About the truth

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(Based on s2e13)

"Is it because you're seeing another girl?"


Maybe it was just wishful thinking.

Maybe Luna missed her chico fresa too much by now. Or maybe she couldn't believe he'd do something like that, something that would not only hurt her but very much crush her heart into a million pieces.

Anyway, to her it didn't feel like Matteo meant it and she desperately wanted her instinct to be right.

"Matteo, if you look at me like that, I can't...", she began, not even sure where she was heading, "I don't believe you." There it was, out in the air, no taking back. She wasn't surprised when he frowned at her. "You don't look happy", Luna added, "So please, Matteo – why aren't you telling me the truth?"

He swallowed. "Luna, look, I don't want to hurt you."

His eyes avoiding her, again. She never got to see their color anymore, this soft brown that used to sparkle whenever she found her reflection in it. She missed it, which was ridiculous, she shouldn't long so much for a single look from him. And she shouldn't think about it all the time, because it was even more ridiculous and she should give up on him since there was no point in trying to make sense out of him. With every word he spoke, the question marks in her head multiplied and he drifted further away from her, slipped through her hands like water.

"But you are!", she blurted out as a wave of frustration crushed down on her. "You are! Because you won't talk to me and it doesn't make sense, you don't make any sense, and I just don't understand what's wrong, okay? We were so in love, no? Didn't this, didn't I mean anything to you? Was it all in my head, is that what you don't want to tell me? Or why are you now talking about seeing another girl?"

These goddamn eyes. Big and captivating and now filled with sorrow and not letting go of her.

She gasped, exhausted and confused, while Matteo stood there and burned her to ashes with his stare. Suddenly, his arms reached out for her, tried to pull her towards him, right into him where she knew she would melt.

Luna took a step pack.

"No, Matteo! Don't." Her voice turned into a whisper, while she tried to hold back the emerging tears in the corners of her eyes. "Just tell me the truth, please."

For a moment, Matteo closed his eyes, head tilted back as if he waited for the sky to open and swallow him. How much she'd give to live in his mind right now, to see just a fraction of what he felt and thought... perhaps she would understand him then.

"It's not true", he said at last. "What? What is not true?"

Couldn't he for once stop talking in riddles?

"It wasn't just in your head, that's not true. You mean everything to me."

Surprisingly, time didn't stop. In fact, the world moved on along just fine. From afar, people's voices filled the park. Birds whirled through the air and sang whatever song their little brains came up with. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds, with light and shadow dancing around. Some dogs barked. So much life surrounded them, however Luna felt frozen. Lifeless, like someone had trapped her soul inside an empty shell that coincidently resembled her body.

You mean everything to me. This wasn't an answer she expected. Hoped for, yes. But she had also hoped they could finally be together when he told her he'd come back from Italy and she saw how a bit of hope was able to turn into an ocean of misery.

"You mean everything to me", he repeated. Her body still refused to go back to normal. His hand found hers. Cautiously, Matteo intertwined their fingers. His thumb rubbed her skin. Lazy circles. Messy lines. Shivers ran over her spine and her heart pounded in her chest, loud and wild and impossible to ignore.

"Then why do you keep telling me there's nothing between us anymore?"

Another look from him. He probably read her mind now. She'd always been an open book to him. And whatever he found in her eyes, it was all he needed to spill out the truth. Or at least the start of it.

"My dad makes me go to Oxford after school."

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