What friends are for (Gastteo)

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I found this in my drafts and it's over a year old, but I thought better late than never? I feel so weird posting this :D

(Based on s2a)


"Seriously, I still don't understand why you're not telling Luna the truth."

Matteo sighed. This topic, again, for what must have been the fifth time Gastón brought it up this week. On a Tuesday. And he knew by the determination in Gastón's eyes that he wouldn't let go of this, especially when they were in the park with no one else around.

Matteo rolled his eyes. "I told you, I don't want to hurt her."

He hated this excuse. Maybe his lies indeed helped Luna to get over him. Maybe, or hopefully. But it didn't change the constant pain he felt in his chest whenever he talked about her. Thought of her. Being with Luna wasn't an option, so forgetting her remained his only choice. Even if he didn't want any of this.

Gastón snorted, sending him a look full of disbelief. "Yeah, well, that's working out great. Or do you want to tell me you haven't noticed how sad she looks every time she sees you?"

Of course he noticed. How could he miss that, when she captured his attention as soon as she stepped into the room?

"It..." hurts and I wish I could just be with her and make her smile again and never let her go, he wanted to say but held himself back. Instead, he replied: "It's for the better, if she hurts a bit now, she'll be over it in no time, you'll see."

Another snort, and a headshake. "Matteo, I think Luna really wants to be with you. And you want to be with her. This should be easy."

Now Matteo shook his head. Maybe Gastón was right (he wanted him to) and this should be easy, yet following his advice seemed impossible when his father controlled every single step Matteo took. Nothing would ever be easy again.

"How many times do I need to tell you?", he snapped, "Even if I was with her now, it could never last! And she wouldn't accept that, because she's Luna and she doesn't give up, even when it's hopeless and I don't want to make her miserable when I leave for good!"

Gastón stopped walking, simply froze right on his spot. When Matteo realized his best friend wasn't right beside him, he turned around, his heart beating faster. Gastón looked disappointed. No, more than that. He seemed to doubt Matteo's every word, even worse, their friendship. And Matteo didn't want to lose Gastón too. Not his best friend, not the one person who was always there for him, especially now. Now that he needed him more than ever.

"What's wrong?", he asked. His voice cracked.

"It's not the first time you say this. You say the problem is that she'd fight till the last day, until you sit in that airplane, but honestly? I don't believe you anymore. I don't believe that's the problem."

"What are you talking about?"

"You love her", Gastón stated with a confidence as if he announced the sky was blue. "You do, don't deny this. And I think this is what you're afraid of. Not that she doesn't want to let you go. But that you love her too much and you don't want to lose her."

Matteo failed to understand the riddles his best friend talked in. "What are you trying to tell me, Gastón?"

"You're afraid of how it would feel to love her and then leave again. I know you said you want to cut things off before it's too late, but... it already is! It already is, Matteo, so I don't see the point in pretending you can still get out of this while only making you both suffer in the meantime. If you can't change your dad's mind, then at least allow yourself to have this or you'll regret this all of your life!"

Matteo didn't agree. Not loudly, and definitely not right away. But the same night, when sleep didn't come again, he wondered if Gastón had a point. If maybe the pain of saying goodbye would be worth the good memories Luna and him could make in this year. If he allowed himself to be happy, even if this happiness had a deadline.

Eventually he gave in. Thought of Luna's smile, of the never-fading sparkle in her eyes, of her energy and optimism. Of their last kiss and how he had felt like a firework when she said she loved him. And that's when he realized he wanted more memories like these.

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