How not to fall in love with Matteo Balsano

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[I'm sorry I haven't answered to any comments lately, but I love them and they make me so happy and thank you to everyone who takes the time to write one!]

Don't smile at his stupid comments. Ever. Matteo will be trying to be funny while he's clearly not. He'll never stop, no matter how much you want him to. Just keep your poker face. Keep it at all costs. Because once you start letting it down, there's no going back.

First, Luna rolled her eyes. She found him incredibly annoying and not even a little bit funny. But soon enough she discovered how the corner of her lips curled up when he made another of these ridiculous remarks. That's when she lost control for the first time. So, the next time, she tried to fight it. To stay cool. It didn't help at all. That's when she also learned that giving Matteo any kind of answer lead to a banter not made for a light-hearted person like her.

Ignore his ego. Or do your best to destroy it – no one else will do. But it's necessary. Otherwise it will grow and grow until it's too big to handle, which is no good for anyone.

Within mere weeks, Luna mastered the art of setting him off with less than two sentences. Yes, his ego was huge, but fragile as well. He used "king of the rink" as a title he wore as naturally as his buttoned shirts. In her mouth, though, it became a weapon that questioned the worth of a self-coronation. Since she brought it up over and over, she expected him to avoid her along with the constant attacks on his pride. Yet, he didn't. Instead, he kept talking to her, even doing his best to provoke her. Everything about Matteo Balsano was and remained a mystery.

Prevent looking into his eyes. You might get lost in exploring all the shades of brown-colored softness and warmth they sparkled in.

It happened slowly, like the colors of the sky gradually turning brighter in the morning hours. And like the sun rising, the way Matteo increasingly stared at her burned her. It set her stomach on fire too. In the beginning, she caught him following her every move on accident. She did her best to forget about this incident, to escape his eyes and their intensity. She struggled however, and ended up glancing in his direction more often than she wanted to. Luna hated how her eyes got stuck on him like glue.

Avoid ever needing his help. Ever. Because Matteo isn't a person to let go of it. He'd call himself your hero and smirk. At the same time, he'd look good, in a way that makes your knees tremble for a second.

His timing proved to be perfect. Whenever Luna needed help, he found her. Maybe he owned a built-in radar, detecting her weakest moments so he could rush to her rescue. She tripped over her own two feet? Matteo appeared out of nowhere to catch her, or help her up. She struggled with her homework? He found the right words to show her the solution. If he ever saw her sad, one joke was enough to make her feel better. How did he do that? It must be magic.

Never skate with him. He'd make it feel like dancing in the sky, with your lips forming a smile and a laugh escaping your lungs. You'd come back for more.

Luna would never admit it out loud, but she enjoyed skating with Matteo. The first time it happened, he pulled her on the rink to convince her a dance with him was the cure for whatever problem she had. (It wasn't, but it lifted her mood nonetheless.) From there on, he pushed her to be better. To try new steps, to go over what she thought were her limits. If skating felt like flying, she wasn't afraid of falling when he was around. Not even for the split of a second. After all, he was there, always, to make sure she didn't get hurt. Her heart trusted him before her head knew the reason why.

Stay out of his personal space. His touch means electricity pulsing through your body, shaking it to the cure. Hugging him would turn into an irresistible drug. So, don't touch him.

Looking back, Luna searched for the moment they got so handsy around each other. But no matter how she analyzed her memories, there wasn't a specific time or date to be found. It simply had happened, without her notice. Now, he casually brushed back a strand of her hair when it wouldn't stay in place. Or she patted his arm while she gave him an appropriate comeback for whatever stupid thing he said. A bare "Hello" changed into slightly too long hugs. On the rink, when Matteo felt bored during one of Tamara's explanations, he sneaked up on her and swiftly tickled her sides. With more time passing by, his fingers on her skin brought a tingling sensation in her stomach along.

Turn away before he starts singing. His voice traps you, haunting you longer than your worst nightmare. Like a siren, it'll pull you in and never let you go.

She knew she was lost before he even got to the chorus. It slipped her mind why he insisted on showing her a song he had written for "a special girl" that couldn't be her anyway. Still, she was glad to be sitting next to him, listening. His voice sounded as soft as her favorite blanket, making her feel safe and sound just the same. Matteo sang with his eyes lighting up, and she found the world in them. It was the most beautiful thing. Right this second, a realization came crushing down on her, changing everything. She wanted to be this girl he wrote a song for. She wanted the teasing, the smirking, the skating, the touching, it all, to never stop. Falling in love with Matteo had never been her intention. But now, to her own surprise, she didn't mind at all.

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