A simple thing

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The bts videos of the Rollerband living in the mansion just got my imagination running wild so here we are, with what hopefully will be canon too - Matteo in Luna's room *-*


Luna can't sleep.

She's definitely tired enough, that's not the issue at hand. She's tired, but she can't calm down enough to drift into unconsciousness - there's too much tension in her body, too many thoughts racing through her mind, while her heart refuses to find a steady, peaceful rhythm.

It's Matteo's fault.

Or maybe it's not primarily his fault. Maybe it's Gary's and Nico's for leaving the city and the apartment, or maybe it's even her fault for suggesting that the rest of the Rollerband can stay in the mansion.

Does it really matter, though, who she ends up blaming? Because the result - her insomnia - remains the same regardless.

She sighs into the silence of her room.

A part of her wishes her tossing and turning would steam from too much excitement over Matteo this close to her when in reality, he simply makes her so, so nervous. It doesn't help that she has not even a clue if they're still together.

She knows that she should know. And Matteo hasn't told her it's over, he didn't break up with her (yet), so that must be a good sign, right?

But things aren't picture perfect, either. He's still weird around her, keeping his distance while setting her heart on fire with his too obvious, too intense stares.

He's still weird with Michel gone.

Somehow, Luna expected them to go back to normal after she dropped him off at the airport. She thought the moment she'd have more time on her hands again, the moment she could focus more on her chico fresa, he'd relax, and they'd be fine.

They're not, however.

At the thought, Luna presses her head into her pillow and groans. This time, he appears to be waiting for her to make a move, and while she desperately wants to make it right, all words – whether well prepared or from the tip of her tongue – fall flat when she looks at him.

And now it's robbing her of her sleep.

A loud bang interrupts her internal moping. It's followed by some cursing too quick and muffled for Luna to understand it, but by then she's already glimpsing through her window.

In the night, a lot of details hide from her vision, linger in the shadowed lines and blurred lines. Her heart beats loudly in her chest as she presses her cheeks against the glass, but then she's sure it's Matteo who she spots outside.


Luna flashes her phone into the darkness. She's shaking slightly, it's too cold for her tank-top and shorts, but now she's already on the terrace and too lazy to get a hoodie.

"Matteo, is that you?"

He whirls around to her, flabbergasted, like a thief in the night and she caught him unexpected. His eyes flinch at the brightness and only after a second does he seem to recognize her.

Not that it leaves his face any softer.

"Oh, it's just you."

The tone of his voice sounds cool, like he's got it all together, the king of the rink, but she hears him taking a deep breath.

"Sorry," she mumbles, "I didn't mean to scare you."

He shrugs. "Did I wake you up?"
"No, you didn't." Luna shifts on her feet, not sure what to do, not sure anymore if coming down to him was a good idea. "I just can't sleep," she explains as if it'd make Matteo any more willing to begin a real conversation with her.

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