Body Say

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I'm sorry updates are taking too long nowadays, I just completely forget about updating since I'm working on a new story lately that gets me all excited, so really sorry!

(Based on Demi Lovato - "Body Say")

Her hair. It fell on her shoulders in beautiful waves, framing her face and highlighting her crystal clear green eyes. Looking too soft to not make him long to touch it, he hoped she'd never wear it in a ponytail. Sometimes, when a strand went loose, he gently brushed it back behind her ear and he always wanted to do it again.

His mind. Like poison in his veins, she took control over him. At some point, every cell carried thoughts of her. Dreams revolved solely around Luna, especially the ones he had at daytime. Only with her by his side did the storm inside calm down. Without her, though, concentrating on anything turned into a new-found challenge. After some weeks, Gastón even ran out of puns to make about it, which Matteo had never believed to be possible.

His eyes. Looking at her became a drug, giving him a rush he couldn't and didn't want to escape. Whenever she entered the room, his gaze drifted towards her. No matter how hard he tried to resist, he inevitably turned towards her light. She was so bright, and so beautiful, he wanted to look at her forever.

His ears. Her voice was his new favorite sound. He had a message of her on his phone and he'd never delete it. When sleep didn't come because he got too lost in thinking about her, he listened to it until his eyes fell shut. Hearing her laugh turned into a mission, just like singing with her at every opportunity. It was never enough.

Her lips. Every day, hours passed by where these perfect curves filled his head, along with the question how they'd feel. He wanted to kiss her. Badly. Once in a while, he caught her biting her lip and it haunted him. Her smile too. It also awakened him, like he had been blind before he got to watch the corners of her mouth curl up.

His heart. She caused him cardiac arrhythmia, making his heartbeat a mess: skipping beats, only to speed up when she smiled, clenching and drowning in the love he felt. A smile threw him off already, or the way she said his name.

Her touch. Intertwining his fingers with her – even if only for skating – felt like a match made in heaven. Jolts of electricity leaped all over him whenever her skin brushed his. And mostly they forgot about personal space around each other, hugging, resting their hands on top of each other's and sitting next to each other, always too close.

His stomach. Matteo had never been aware of how alive the human body was before he met his chica delivery. Just like his heart, the sensations in his gut changed more often than the weather. Butterflies inside turned into a huge knot when Simón hugged her a little too long or filled his every vein when she greeted Matteo the same way.

His knees. When she smiled at him, they started shaking, throwing him back in time to when he learned skating and every step felt insecure and weak. But this time, he wasn't afraid of falling anymore. Because with her, he'd be safe.

Every day, he fell in love a little more, deeper and deeper until he couldn't remember life without her. Luna had enchanted him, body and soul. Matteo never wanted her to stop.

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