A perfect storm

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„Once you're comfortable with being alone, you will never settle for someone who disturbs your peace."


The day Matteo arrived in Buenos Aires, it was just another city to him. Just another place he had to get used to, never knowing when he'd leave again. And he thought, no, he knew he had to leave again. Leaving was an inevitable part of his life. It was the friend that always stuck around, even when you had grown to hate it.

So, Matteo tried his best not to grow attached, not to settle down too much before his parents decided to move once again. The first time he failed was in school, where a guy named Gastón made him laugh with his puns (in the beginning, anyway), made great company and suddenly turned into his best friend. The second time he failed he expected it, being overwhelmed by the atmosphere in the Jam&Roller and the existence of a place like this.

Weirdly enough, he felt content. Usually, when he started to become too comfortable in a place, it made him nervous. Anxious, more aware of the little things that told him that they'd move again. Not here, though. Here, the city offered him something he had searched for his whole life, but never allowed himself to actually achieve: stability. A routine. He embraced it and when his parents decided to stay, it was the closest he had ever gotten to happiness. Not that he needed to be overwhelmingly happy, or have a perfect life. Not at all. All he needed, all he wanted was peace of mind. He found it in Argentina. And he liked the idea of getting to settle down.


She was lightning.

She was lightning, too bright in a darkest night. Captivating all his attention. She was lightning, fascinating, drawing him in until he forgot his own name. She was scary, with her determination and energy and her power. And she came out of nowhere, literally.

He'd been alone in Cancún on that day he'd always remember, on the day he met her. Her, Luna. He'd been alone, skating on the street and trying some new tricks. He'd been alone and suddenly he wasn't. She was there. Two worlds colliding.

Since then, nothing was the same. Something in him had changed the moment she bumped into him. Something melted or broke down or clouded his mind until he couldn't think straight anymore.

As soon as he saw her, a smile grew attached on his lips. It stayed there until his cheeks hurt. Thoughts about her filled his head, crept into every cell of his whole being. His eyes searched for her and when they finally found her, got stuck on her like glue.

No matter how he tossed and turned the facts, no matter if she was there or not, his world somehow revolved around the moon now.

She messed with him. With his mind, with everything he stood for. Matteo didn't recognize himself. Once he had a plan for everything. Now there were only missions to fulfill. A mission to make her smile, because her mouth curling up outstood the most beautiful sunrise. Another one to skate with her. When they skated, it felt like discovering new galaxies, felt like getting lost in a universe solely for their own. A third mission to be close to her. But not just close, closer. An accidental touch turned into his hands automatically reaching out for her. A slight nod for their greeting became a hug, one he never wanted to be over. Luna in his arms wasn't just a nice bonus in life. It was a necessity, a thing he craved as much as oxygen in his lungs.

It terrified him how much she got him under control. Everything he did was for her. She was lightning, she was the storm in the middle of his life, just as it had finally calmed down.

Yet to his own surprise, he found he needed this storm in his life. He needed someone who turned his world around and pulled him right into the swirling sea. And if he drowned or lost his mind, his peace, he didn't mind.

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