Say what you drink Pt. II

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It had been weeks.

Weeks since a little Mexican turned Matteo's whole life upside down once again. And just like the first time, Luna had no idea she was the reason for the change in his behavior. Though she did notice that he acted differently. Talking less, and getting lost in his thoughts more often, he wasn't chico fresa anymore.

"Hey, Matteo!" For the third time now, she tried to get his attention. On the way to her locker she found him sitting on the bench, a new kind of sadness in his eyes. Only when she patted his arms did he look up, already avoiding her touch like fire.

"Oh, Luna. Hey." Not even a smile.

"If I asked what's wrong, would you answer?" His gaze missed her, fixing the wall on the other side of the room. He sighed. "I didn't sleep at all last night."

Luna inspected him. Dark circles drew even more attention to his eyes, confirming what he said. Still, she felt there was more to it. The past weeks had taught her not to pressure him, though.

"I can't help you sleeping, unfortunately. But we could skate together? Maybe it makes you feel a little better?"

Not smiling while skating with Luna was one of the things Matteo found impossible to do. No wonder it was only a matter of minutes for his lips to curl up.

A couple of days ago, Tamara had shown them some steps, so they started practicing these. Soon, they got lost in whirling around. Turns and steps and lifts formed more and more combinations. Occasionally, a laugh escaped into the air, or they exchanged one of these looks that felt too intimate for a place like this.

Too caught up with each other, they didn't notice Gastón standing by the side, watching. They didn't notice him coming closer either. "Guys, I'll say this for the last time: get a room already. Seriously, I feel like in the middle of a romance movie."

With eyes widened in surprise, Luna turned around first. Gastón snickered at the sight of them, both speechless and a slight blush on their face.

Luna was the first to answer: "What are you talking about?"

On the inside, Matteo groaned. His best friend might have come out of the blue, but still – how was this girl so oblivious? "We're just skating, you know we're just friends", she claimed.

Just. By now, Matteo hated that word with an unknown passion. It felt like another dagger thrown into his chest, next to the one a drunk Luna had caused and which hadn't stop hurting since.

"What? I wanted to say that...", Gastón started, promptly silenced by a warning gaze from his best friend. "Luna, can I talk to you for a second?", Matteo inquired, because he had enough. This constant pining needed to stop, he couldn't take it any longer, and if he'd die in the middle of confessing his feelings.

The other boy noticed the dedicated look on his face, giving him an encouraging pat before leaving the rink.

Slowly, they skated to the side. "Matteo, what is going on? What was... this?" His heart jumped around in his chest. "Because I'm getting more confused by the minute. What is wrong with you?"

"Do you remember that evening at my place? Where you had way too much wine?" Luna still seemed confused. "Well, I do remember waking up with a headache, yeah."

Another deep breath. There wasn't enough air to fill his lungs. "You don't remember calling me, and I quote, smoking hot? Or anything else?"

Her cheeks glowed as red as a stop sign. "I did not say that." Glimpsing at his grin and the raised eyebrows, she stared on the floor. "Did I?"
"Yes, you did", he stated, all serious. "And please, Luna, I need to know this, so, be honest. Please. What is this thing between us?"

"I...", lost for words she started fidgeting with one of her rings. Seconds passed by without an answer, and it drove Matteo insane. Like a rollercoaster, two explanations fought for the upper hand. She must feel something at least, otherwise she wouldn't struggle so much with finding the words to say. Right? Or did she only think of the best way to not hurt his feelings?

Her hand reached up to his cheek, silencing every thought.

"I can't really explain the way I feel around you. But – if you want, I can show you what I'm thinking of?" Like a robot, he nodded. However, that was all the encouragement Luna needed. He felt her fingers on his neck, pulling him closer. The electricity pulsing through his body as her lips met his mouth and... this is what heaven must be like. Hands on her waist, he bridged the last distance between them.

"Maybe Gastón wasn't so wrong after all", Matteo grinned when they pulled apart. Luna shot him a look, and he imagined a question mark popping up over her head. "We should get a room", he clarified.

The only reason she missed him was because he moved out of the way fast enough. "I can't believe you! You are so... shameless!"

Matteo simply pressed his mouth back on hers, still smiling. Bickering with Luna had been his favorite thing to do for a while, but for now he found a new hobby.

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