How to win Matteo Balsano over

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In this moment, Luna hated three things and she found it impossible to decide which one she blamed more for her current miserable situation. The universe for not giving her a rest at least once in her life, Nina for dragging her along into the school's magazine team or herself for agreeing to do this.

By this, she meant talking to Matteo Balsano. Voluntarily, and writing an article about it afterwards. The topic all the other girls longed for: what a boy like Matteo looked for in a girl. Seriously, what did they even think? That passing a simple checklist would immediately get them into a relationship with him?

As if having a normal conversation with him wasn't bad enough, where he was so full of himself and never stopped calling her chica delivery and sometimes he turned out to be not much of a chico fresa anymore and then his smile did weird things to her stomach. No, she had to endure what with no doubt would become the most embarrassing interview of her life.

After thinking this over for the fifth time now, Luna gathered the courage to walk into the Jam&Roller, knowing he'd be sitting there with Gastón. Interviewing him outside of school hopefully saved her from all those curious classmates – in case she managed to walk up to his table. Before she could change her mind one last time, however, he discovered her. Within seconds, his special smirk showed up. "Well, look at you, chica delivery! Are you stalking me again?" Was it too early to spill his milkshake over his shirt?

"Matteo, just so you know, I am not stalking you. In fact, I'd rather be drowning in a pool instead." The grin faded while he clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking somewhat hurt. "Ouch, so harsh today, chica delivery. But still, you're here. And I hate to disappoint you, but I'm about to be interviewed. That's just how famous the king of the rink is. If you want, I can sign your notebook afterwards, though?"

Helpless, Luna glanced at Gastón, who in turn smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. "Actually", Luna replied, "I am the unlucky one to interview you." As soon as the words left her mouth, Gastón jumped up, patting Matteo's arm: "Then I'll leave you two alone. There's this documentation about the moon I still need to watch. See you later!"

"A documentation about the moon?", she repeated, sitting down opposite to Matteo. "Don't listen to him, he's in his funny mood again. But since you're the reporter now... Tell me, what do my beloved fans want to know?"

Promptly, her cheeks turned bright red and returning his look became out of the question. Maybe the air conditioning stopped working? In any case, she was sure her body temperature sky-rocketed. "Hey, Luna." Matteo brought her back to reality, softly touching her hand, "We don't need to do this if you don't want to."

"I'm good", she spilled out way too fast to be convincing. Him being nice out of a sudden just made it worse. This whole article was humiliating and she hated everyone and everything and... "Okay. I promise, you can ask me anything. I won't laugh."

Luna searched his eyes for a sign he didn't mean it, a sign he was joking as usual. All she found was warmth and a depth in this brown she never noticed before.

"They want to know what you like in girls." The words stumbled out of her mouth too quickly, so Matteo leaned forwards and tried to process the pieces he understood. Next thing, it clicked and his eyes widened in surprise. The corners of his lips twitched, indicating how hard he held back a laugh. "Wow, now I see why you're so nervous. Seriously, that's why you're supposed to interview me?" Unsure how to react, Luna focused on the scratches on the table.

"Well, this is an interesting question... you know, I've been to Mexico once and there must be something in the air cause the girls are so short, but they're kinda my type. Oh, and if they will deliver everything I want, I won't be disappointed either. What else? I want to be swept off my feet when we meet for the first time."

Of course he turned this into a huge joke. She felt too mad to be blinded by the 100-watt-smile he gave her. "Really, Matteo? I need to somehow form this into a decent article and I can't when you don't even try... Please." With a look that rested on her for a little too long, he sighed. After a minute without an attempt to finally answer her question, she let out a single "What?", loaded with frustration.

At once, he smiled again. "Shouldn't you open your notebook to, like, take notes or something?" Without a comment, she took her pen and glimpsed in his direction. "Let's get that over with."

Matteo got closer, so the smell of his perfume lingered in her nose. Focus, Luna. "Alright. This might surprise you, but there's not a lot to say. I want someone who is kind, who will be a best friend for me and who doesn't always put her needs before others. I want to laugh with her and talk for hours. And I love it when she fights for what she wants." For a moment, he got lost in his own thoughts, Luna figured. A little smile brightened up his face. "Skating too. I mean, it's awesome to skate with someone you like."

Did he wink at her? Or was she hallucinating? In no way could she tell, too busy with scribbling down his every word.

When she finished, and he remained silent, she lifted her head. "So, that's it?" He nodded, still not letting his gaze leave her. "You know these answers are pretty vague, right?"

Another grin. Something must have been in his shake. "That's not my problem. Anyway, I'm not interested in any of the girls who will read that article. Or boys. Wait, why are you packing your bag? Don't you want to take some pictures of me?"

Luna paused for a second. Then it was her who giggled. "No need to. The girls already have way too many of you." Seeing the way his jaw dropped, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. For the first time around her, he was speechless. To be honest, it felt satisfying. "What? Still want to make a joke about how you have fans? Or how I'm the one stalking you?"

Nervous, he ran his fingers through his hair. "I think this might not have been a good idea." "That makes us two", Luna commented, grabbing her bag.

"Hey, you're really already leaving?", Matteo wanted to know. A hint of desperation filled his voice that Luna couldn't quite understand. Hastily, he added, "I thought we could have a milkshake, it'd be on me, of course?"

"That's nice and all, but I really want to get that article done. Thanks for letting me interview you though. See you in school, I guess?" With that, she left, not noticing the sadness darkening his expressions.

Only later, when she sat down at her desk and skimmed her notes, Luna wondered if she missed a crucial piece of information. If, after all, he said those things about Mexico and what sounded like their first meeting for a reason.

But in no parallel universe was he possibly describing her as everything he looked for in a girlfriend? Right?

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