Spell it out for me

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Prompt: „I'm a barista and you're the obnoxious customer who comes through and orders a venti macchiato while talking on the phone the whole time so I misspell your name in increasingly creative ways every day."

She knew it was him the minute he walked into the coffee shop. Not that she waited for him to show up or anything. His voice simply managed to carry all the way to the counter, no matter how many people waited in line. Just like every other day for a week now, seeing him and his stupid phone made her roll her eyes.

It hadn't been Luna's day already. Starting work at an inhuman time, coffee got spilled and names were mixed up because the sleepiness messed with her. The last thing she needed was another of these customers with no sense for decency, or respect. But Simón completed an order for two girls when the brunette guy stood next in line, so she had no choice.

"Good morning, how can I help you?", Luna managed to bring out in her usual working tone, despite the fact he showed no intention of ending his phone call. "A venti macchiato, to go. Matteo", the boy replied as she expected, handing her 50 pesos. She stopped smiling as he looked at everything but her. Rude boy.

Her mouth only curled up again when an idea struck her. Although he likely wouldn't even notice, in her eyes, it was the perfect revenge. Hastily, she scribbled down 'Mateo' on the cup. When she handed the cup over, he had no idea why she suddenly grinned brighter than the sun.

To her disappointment, he left the missing t uncommented. 'Matheo' on the next day didn't bother him either, just as 'Matio'. Each day, he repeated the same order in the same old way, like nothing had happened. His hand continued to be attached to his phone as if his life depended on it. But it wasn't all bad. While Luna indeed wished he'd ask or at least acknowledge her spelling with a confused look or a raised eyebrow, she kinda liked this new extension to her working routine. She never had been one to mess up customer's names on purpose, but with this guy, she understood the delightful satisfaction that came along with it. Him always ending up at her counter helped too, of course. Thinking of new ridiculous ways to spell his name when the shop emptied out after the morning rushes became a pleasing habit in no time.

Not a lasting one, however. After she came up with 'Mat-o', he stopped coming in. There wasn't any sign of her favorite rude customer anymore, even when she stared at the door every two minutes. Four days later, Luna wondered if Matteo now annoyed some other barista in the city. The thought made her feel angrier than it should.

"Are you looking for someone?", Simón asked while they cleaned up a bit. Caught off guard, she quickly turned her eyes away from the entry. "No, of course not. Nina is having her early class today, so who would I be looking for anyway?"

Her friend nodded, but he didn't look convinced. "But you are watching the door a lot these days..." Just as he took a breath to ask further, the sound of the door opening interrupted him. Luna felt even more relieved when she recognized the loud chuckle and the face belonging to it. "I got this one!", she hurried to say. Simón had no chance to protest.

"How can I...", she started, trying to contain her smile before he cut her off. "As usual." In spite of that, Luna giggled. You asked for it. Now aware of his eyes watching over her every movement, she kept smiling. The coffee machine worked slower today, or at least it felt that way, and it became increasingly harder to avoid these intense brown eyes. Why did his gaze feel so burning besides him talking on the phone? She nearly forgot to write down the wrong name.

He couldn't wait to see what she wrote down this time. For a minute, he had worried she didn't remember him, but then he noticed 'Matías' on his cup. It took all of his self-control to pretend he didn't see it, but the unsatisfied and very cute look on her face when he left was worth it.

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