And I'm speaking the truth even if my voice trembles

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So this one-shot is what happens when I'm unhappy with canon... I hope you enjoy it more than what the show writers (will) come up with as well!

I also started a new Lutteo multichapter, it's called "A sound so sweet, of you and me", updates are every Wednesday and Sunday and maybe you'd like to check it out some time :D


„Luna, I need to talk to you."

Matteo appears in her view as she puts her skates away and the smile on her lips hasn't unfolded completely yet before it fades again. For the first time in weeks, he's not smiling at her sight, which upsets her even without the seriousness in his tone.

No matter how strange it feels, how ridiculous it sounds, she's gotten used to always seeing him happy and even flirty around her. Although she never told him, he'd been her fixpoint lately. Whatever else went on in her life, whatever chaos or stepping stone she tripped upon, Matteo's smile was her lighthouse in the night.

And now that it's gone she struggles to find the right words.

"Um, okay. Did something happen?"

He huffs. "You could say that."

Luna lets her gaze wander around his face. (Mostly to inspect him, but not only.) His cheeks are drained from color, not enough for him to resemble a ghost, yet enough to worry her. His lips are pulled into a straight line and the look in his eyes kills any hope she had left that he might want to talk about something good.

Whatever is up with him, it's bad news.

"Yeah, sure," she says as she tries to act as casually as possible. "Do you want to talk here or..."

"Somewhere where we are alone. And no one can interrupt us."

A memory fades into view at his words. Given the bitterness in his tone, he's probably thinking of the same situation.

Luna sighs. On that day in the park, she really hoped he would kiss her, hoped for it later as well, but he hasn't tried again since. And now it's clear he doesn't want to be alone with her to exchange a kiss or two without being interrupted.

If she wasn't so insecure, so nervous around him, she'd walk up to him and simply pull him down to her, set an end to her misery.

With dark clouds looming over her, however, she follows him out of the Roller silently.

She recognizes the café before they enter. Back here, he told her he had found the ring, his ring in Cancún, and the memory of it would make her chuckle if she wasn't so busy breathing the anxiety away.

Only a few tables are taken, but Matteo chooses the one as far away from everyone else as possible.

Whatever he's about to say, it really can't be good.

The moment he opens his mouth, a waiter pops up next to them, asking what they want to order.

Luna picks a strawberry milkshake. Matteo picks nothing.

"If you didn't order anything just to steal from me, I hope you know I won't allow it," she tells him in a desperate attempt to lift the tension radiating from him. No reaction. Avoiding her eyes, he fumbles with the menu.

Sighs. "Emilia kissed me."


Not in her worst-case scenarios, not in her worst nightmares would she have guessed this.

The world seems to spin around her, crumbles into pieces she no longer pays attention to because she feels everything and nothing at once and it's too overwhelming as her whole body calls for help.

Lutteo one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now