How we ended up here

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Disclaimer: This fic is based on real events. Similarities with friends and my own life are intentional and used with permission. I'm not gonna give anything personal away about those two ladies or explain what part of the fic is based on what and who, but I thank them very much for letting my over-excited fangirl ass use their experiences. It's been so much fun polishing them to fit my dorky babies, and I am very proud of the result. Also the title is a direct reference to "End Up Here" by 5SOS and Jandro steams from "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell, since I needed a name and love this book too much.

(Again, don't forget. Real life events. There might be a part where you wonder if people can be that stupid. And yes. Yes, they can. ^^)


It's Saturday, a warm and starry night, and Luna is stuck standing in front of her closet. Picking an outfit shouldn't be that hard, it's just a party, but the amount of clothes collected over the years simply overwhelm her. So, despite wasting already a solid fifteen minutes, she struggles to decide on anything.

Her eyes linger on her favorite pajamas, not for the first time – they dream of putting them on, of spending the evening with Netflix and popcorn. Every time Luna blinks, she can see herself on the couch.

She shakes her head, glances at her phone.

One new message. It's from her classmate Jandro, asking if she's still coming.

With a sigh, Luna turns to her dresses. She doesn't want to go. After running around all day – working and taking care of boring adult chores – she's not in the mood to leave her apartment again. Her whole body feels ready to collapse onto her couch instead of celebrating Jandro's birthday.

But she promised to come and she's not one to break promises. (Perhaps she can leave early.)

In the end, Luna grabs a fancy blouse her aunt bought for her and her favorite pair of jeans and walks into the bathroom.


An hour later she finds herself on a luxurious couch in an even more luxurious living room.

Jandro's flat is nothing short of amazing. High ceilings with beautifully crafted ornaments along the sides. A few carefully selected pictures, blending into a subtle harmony with the furniture. Fancy shelves showing off souvenirs from extended travels and adventures.

What impresses her the most about this room, however, is the couch. It still baffles her how one couch can be so huge – six people currently chill on it with enough space left. At her home, barely three fit on the sofa.

None of the people surrounding Luna are familiar to her, she only knows their names because of the name tags Jandro made them wear. They're nice, though, keeping her glass full and her brain busy with the stories they tell while they're playing a card game she never heard of before.

During the third patch, Luna's the first one to draw an exploding kitten and loses. Just when she leans back against the cushion, a voice from her left startles her. "Is that Exploding Kittens? I never understood that game."

She turns around. Next to her sits a tall brunette guy – Matteo, says his name tag – and his smirk immediately catches her off guard. She's still too sober to deal with handsome boys, and especially boys who look like they could show her hidden entries to galaxies she only dreamed of so far.

Luna downs her drink.

"Me neither."

"Is that why you just lost?"

"You're so... charming." She glimpses at his name tag again. "Matteo."

A huff escapes from his mouth, it's filled with an entitlement she now discovers in the way he only sits next to her as well. Without saying a single word, he manages to give her the feeling she lost a little game they were playing but she didn't know about.

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