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There's a stirring, In the throne room,
and all creation holds its it's breath.
Angels whispered, their wings beat together as they moved. Sweet smelling prayers wafted through the air. Living color cascaded down golden steps, wrapping around the length of the temple. All measure of precious stones glinting in the light of the Holy One, The Lord God almighty.

The Lamb of God stood in the center, a long scroll given to the Son.
Red seals waxed tight along the roll, seven, not just one.
A hush fell over the atmosphere,

Broken was the first one.
A rider on a horse,
pale and deathly white,
With bow and crown, ,
He rode down into the earth,
Slipping out into the night.

The second seal was broken,
And another horse rode out,
Fiery red , proud snorting from its snout.
In his hand he held a sword,
Brandishing with might,
He rode down into the earth,
Slipping out into the night.

The third seal was broken,
A horse rode out,
his coat black as night,
A pair of scales and balances.
Meager allowances,
He rode down into the earth,
Slipping out into the night.

The fourth seal was broken,
A pale horse rode out,
Death and hell followed after him,
Killing an plundering on a whim,
He rode down into the earth,
Slipping out into the night.

When the fifth seal was broken, souls of saints groaned, their voices loud and moaning. "How long? Oh sovereign Lord, holy and true,until you judge the inhabitants of earth and avenge our blood? "
The voice of God, it thunders,
Filling me with awe and wonder,
Each was given a white robe,
Told to wait only a little longer.

My Lord I know you'll come,
Like a theif in the night,
Stealing me away,
Vanquishing my plight,
I have your Holy word,
And every lovely promise,
So here I wait for you

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now