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I have heavy chains,
They clink and chafe,
Rot my skin,
I don't know where to begin.
The voices are loud,
Sometimes unwavering,
I plug my ears,
Beg them to stop,
Like I have for years.
They burden me, hold me back,
Cut deep ridges into my arms
and back

Blood it drips,
Some of it dries,
I've asked for help but
No one tries,
And if they do it's lies.

Please help me!!! I screamed,
Gasping for air,
Does anyone hear me?
Does anyone care?

It's dark in here,
Lights have been out for years,
Darkness thick enough
to cover my tears.

I say very little at all,
Most of the time I ramble,
Answering the voices,
My tonge is stuck to the roof
of my mouth,
I just want out!!! I scream,
But chains they grow tighter,
Holding me back,
I've quit being a fighter.

I'm only bones, rail thin,
Translucent blue and white skin.
Purpling bruises,
Some old others new,
I've got nothing else to do

Meniacle laughter,
Aimless chatter,

A sliver of sunlight,
Crept into my world,

Shrill and piercing through the air,
The voices scream His name
I didn't know Him,
I'd never seen Him,
But somehow I did.
His countenance held power,
Shining like the sun,
His smile radiated light,
Breaking through my night.
I lunged forward,
My feet may fail,
Scraped along the rough and jagged edges of stones that littered my home,

He stood,
Steps full of purpose.
Voice calm but full of power.
I knew it was freedom,
This very hour!

Metal cracked and chipped away,
Riddled to nothing in His
Light of day,
Chains, they fell, broken,
Ground to powder,
The voices were loud,
But His is louder!

I wanted Him.
He was my saving grace.
He held the key,
And now, I'm free.
His name is Jesus.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now