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I'm waking,
My bones are breaking,
I'm hardly breathing,
But it's you I'm needing
My lungs are convulsing,
Air fills them but I have no will to exhale.
The air around me is stale.
Tears poar down my face,
Pain I can't erase beats me over and over until I bleed, 
Maybe I'll bleed to death.
I can't move, if I do it's just too much,
How do I handle it?
I can't.  My brain can't wrap around it
I'm broken,
Cracked edges are my adornment,
Bruises and scabs my torment.
Your face is fading in my mind,
I see it so clearly, yet, with every second it fades,
How do I  keep it with me?
Can I lock it away in my mind?
It slips from my fingers,
They turn blue trying to grasp it,
But there it is, now it's not.

Your voice was a melody,
I desperately tried to learn,
I sang it every day,
the words were written on my heart.
But now time is the eraser,
Ripping it from me,
But it's a cruel reality.
I've faught for it,
Now I'm done. 
But before I love someone else,
I've got to love myself.
There's the thing that I can't grasp,
I've nailed it at last!

God knows I've tried,
But here I am.
Slipping away, falling down a hole.
The lights go out all around me,
One last candle to keep out the night.
But then the darkness surrounds me,
Voices crowd around the space,
Echoing without a trace.
I can't see my hand in front of my face
Cold shivers down my spine,
Creeping like a spider,
I see two eyes, and a smile growing wider.
I know better than to ask, the one thing on my mind.
A voice startled me, light but not at all kind.
Pale lips move in sink, chains moving in sinc.
My mind freezes and I'm numb,
Just what have I become?
Unease and full of terror,
My brain screams there's an error.
My heart began to race against the confines of my chest,
A hollow gong in the middle of its nest
I'm translucent and thin,
"Come on let me in!!!" The voice yelled, grasping for me.
I felt light, but still heavy,
Weighting on me, keeping me steady.
I shrink back,
Stepping away,
Now they grow smaller,
Fading from view,
But now I can see you too.
I'm saved, not at all broken,
Knit together like a tapestry,
Woven intricately, detailed, and beautiful. 
The things I used to see so broken,
Rusty, dusty, some things unspoken,
But here I am, made whole and in your light,
Now I have a sword to fight.
Thunder roars,
Clouds swirl in the distance,
Lightning peels, bolts across a dark blue sky.
People look but they don't see,
Nothing is wrong, but to you and me.
We know the truth, no scales on our eyes, we see.
You're coming,
I'm running,
I need you,
My hand is in yours, and here we go

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now