Hounds of Hell

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Shards of glass shred through my skin
demon breath fanning at my neck
Got that fire coming for me again
Eyes fixed on me, dead and cold
Chilling silence,
Not one moves
Each ragged breath too much to take
My ears, they strain,
In the distance I hear a train
Rain it beats against my roof,
Louder still like horses hooves
Then I hear the ping of hale
The monstrous beasts began to whale
Ear piercing shriek
the ground did shake
My head tilts up
Swollen Eyes opened to slits
I see a bright light,
brighter than any sun
A tall figure staring down the
hounds of Hell
With a ragged breath, more like
A wheeze,
I whisper out, "Jesus Please"

Not one of them moved, but oh they snarled,
snapping teeth, and eyes blood red
The tall figure spoke first
and in His hand,
A fiery sword
The hounds of Hell whimpered and cried
running off somewhere to hide

Even though I'd put myself here
and deserved to die
I had one more chance
To climb out of here

The glowing figure reached out
and took my trembling hand
His face was kind, and brighter than the sun
All the darkness began to fade
as I stepped into His light of grace

I didn't think I would stand a chance
But standing here with Him
I began to to dance

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now