My love.

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There is a sweet seduction. An ethereal voice that floats gently along a salty breeze that tickles your nose. Thundering waves meet golden sand in a mighty crash. White foam rippling across the surface of the water. It calls to me, sweet nothings in my ear. They're all I can hear when I'm with her. She's all I can think of.
Her world, one that so enraptured my attention that I am dizzy. Drunk with love for her. Deep concaves of her skin piled along the shore, golden, and warm sand. If I were to count them I would fall short at a thousand. Though I had only just begun. Litters of shells riddle her features. She stands out. Beautiful colors, a myriad of them. Blushing pinks paint her cheacks in brazen sunset colors. She giggles, her breath is soft against my face. Tendrils of curls pepper my face with her kisses. Birds sang high in the trees, rounded coconuts hanging from lofty palms swayed gently by the wind. All is quite. Tiny grains of sand occupy the space between my toes. My fingers trace lazy circles, finding their own patter. I shut my eyes, breathing in deeply.
Slowly darkness claims the sky, chasing away the light of day. Stars shimmered like diamonds against a pitch black sky. Waves lulled in and out along the shore, serranading me to sleep. I find that I can not. Dark clouds erupted along the sky, blown in by a harsh wind. Thunder rolled and roared, rearing her ugly head. Silver slivers of lightning streak across the sky. Dark shadows shaded the expanse of what was once a blue sky. Rain drops began to fall, a torrent of water cascading down in sheets. I shivered, wet cloth clung to my body. My breath hitched, coming out like a weeze as I trudged through thick sand. Mahogany gave way under the waves as my boat was tossed to the side. A thin, white, sail flapped wildly, causing the mast to groan. Wood creaked under the enormous pressure of the waves. Cracks and splinters toar along the side, letting out another groan as I stumbled over the side with a thud. Rain beat against my sunkissed face, cooling the redened skin. Lightning returns, striking across the sky once more. My cold fingers fumbled with the ropes, shaking as I untangle the knot in them. At once the boat moves, bobbing away forcefully from the shore. My heart began to race against the confines of my chest, tiny puffs of air flung from my mouth rapidly as I struggle to breath. My body is wracked with shaking, convulsing, tremors. Waves lurched me forward, sending my tiny vessel along the upheaval of the waves. Wind hissed around me, flinging pellets of ice along my face. I wince, feeling their sting. My eyes strain to see through the ice that froze along clumps of wet eyelashes. With little light, I coast, praying I make it to the lighthouse neer by. There is nothing. White caps of monstrous waves tossed me forward. My fingers dug into the mast, both arms hung around the lofty poll for dear life. My sail grows heavy, sheets of ice weighing on the fabric. Yet the winds blows it forward, ebbing me closer to my home. Soft beans of light pierce through the torrent of rain around me. Cutting through the thick blanket of clouds. It was a speck, barely visible. But with each lurch forward I knew I was almost there. They grew brighter, until I reached the shore, the nose of my boat nuzzled against a heap of sand with a thud. Stumbling out of it with heavy steps I approached the place I knew I was safe. With one last glance, I close the door, leaving the sea behind.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now