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I know you all mean well,
You see my tears, offer something to say, the perfect scripture to tell
I'm not saying that the words are wrong, or that it can't be right,
Sometimes the time is wrong,
I'm in too dark a night
I don't want a card, flowers,
Or hot food sent with love,
I'm bleeding out,
Heart shattered, tears flow,
I'm hurting
In lots of different ways,
Some things you'll never know
I've painted on my face,
Tried on a smile for size,
But if you look behind the mask,
You'll soon see it's all lies
There are moments that
My lips lift slightly,
Something that, resembles a smile,
I plug in my earphones,
Stare at my screen,
Turn up the dile
I remember how it felt,
To hold you in my arms,
Clasp your hand,
You kept me safe from harm.
I still remember the sun,
Blue eyes glimmering with fun
Long locks of white,
Wrinkles showing in stunning piles,
Appearing every time you smiled
I remember your voice,
So soft and kind,
I hear it in my mind
It's not fun trying,
I don't like pretending,
I feel like I'm lying
My heart is broken,
Pieces litter the floor,
I fight back the  tears when I walk past your door
I want to have you back
See you again,
But I know I have to wait,
Until that one day.
When everything will be ok.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now