A day with anxiety

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I wake up,
Check the time, scrunch my eyes,
Cuz I've already screwed up.
Don't check your phone, you'll stay in bed too long, it'll make you even later.

Jump out of bed brush my teeth,
But there's a voice in my head,
"Hey there's a test today, you didn't study."
Panic now, I'm almost ready,
Curl my hair, spray perfume,
So many thoughts I can't breath,
in my lungs I have no room!
Start the car, running fast,
Hey remember that thing you said, last week? I'll remind you though it's past.

It was stupid don't you remember? 

Enter the class,
find my place,
But there you are, back on my case
Don't smile at him, he thinks your weird,
Don't answer that, someone else knows better,
You'll look like an idiot,
My eyes drop, squint shut but grow wetter.
I fight it back, hold my breath,
Suck in your stomach,  even though it hurts
Think of that thing your Dr said, 
Your fat! Pull away the fabric of your shirt!

Breath a sigh, hang head low, one more class to go.

There they are, my friends I guess,
I hear them say hello to me,
But I've already messed up,
Scrutinized,  criticized, my own worst enemy,
Skip back home, but there's no rest,
Paint, write,  or cook, but you're  far from the best.

Find my way back to bed,
there's that voice in my head,
But this time  I'm saying "Quite! "

Until tomorrow...

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now