On High

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Stop weeping, behold the Lamb of God
He alone is worthy
He alone be praised
No name is higher
No one greater
Stop weeping, behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away the sins of the world
It was finished then,
It is finished now!
Only with thine eyes,
Shalt thou behold the reward of the wicked

I have set you on high
Because you hath known my name

It was finished then,
It's finished now
Behold who was,
and is, and is to come

He alone is worthy,
He alone is Holy
None other
None other

In the quiet stillness of evening,
I listen, watch, and wait for what you will say

In the quite stillness of evening,
the birds  do watch and listen they say

Sunset colors and erry silence no
I long to walk on that celestial shore

To feel the breeze of peace and love
To feel your presence from above
You have come to dwell in this place
Now I dwell with you

I walk with you
And talk with you
loving the sound of your voice

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now