Lucifer's Fall

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There once stood an Angel,
So lovely and bright,
His face shone like the sun,
In radiant light.
His voice was ethereal,
And talent unmatched,
For he was made by the Most High.

But one day he smiled, looked upon his own beauty and sighed,
"Surely there is no one, who shines just as bright as I.
One day I will
Exalt my throne above the Most High."

The shadows they grew,
As day turned to night,
An evil was born,
wrong was now right.

Lord Yahweh called heaven,
And All who heard the sound,
To witness the fall,
Of the evil one now.
Soon did that Angel,
Take prisoner a third,
Of the hosts of heaven,
With all his cruel words.

As God brought His plan along,
The earth did He make,
But evil still lurked,
He planned to plunder and take.

A garden of light,
Full all things beautiful,
Now had a dark snake,
Of lies his mouth was full.
The man stood idly  by,
As woman took fruit,
In their tender hearts,
Sin took root.

As centuries moved,
The stain grew and grew,
But a star shinning  in the East, 
Promised something new.

As man cried lost in their shame,
A baby returned the call,
Jesus is His name.

Satan still breathed out his murderous threats,
The Son of Man,
He would silence him yet.

But as the white lamb,
Was a sacrifice for sin,
The power of evil,
Had been destroyed and done in

As centuries moved,
Again fast pace,
Many of us followers,
We keep with our race.

The battle still rages,
Can you hear the  swords drawn?
But one day the clouds will break,
Bringing in a new dawn.

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now