Window pain

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These four walls,
They tell a song,
Look at that!
The bones they break,
And oh! Don't they know it's wrong?
The scars,
Their ugly,
I see the way they look at you,
And I know it's true.
The pain is real,
I wish I could help,
Those are the thoughts that kept
me here, and let him beat me up.
Why they see?!
Black and blues are vivid hughs,
There's something they can do!!!
I hear crying,
But I'm immobile,
Just a wall that hangs here,
I don't have flesh and bone,
But the pictures that hang against my breast, they shudder, collapsing on the floor with you, glass cracks and they shatter, just like you when he hits you.
I see everything,
People come,
Some see the things that I see,
But they ignore, looking away as if it's just their imagination.  Their footsteps are quick, but not too quick,
As they leep to their cars,
I see them out the window.
I guess that's why they call it
window pain.
A crooked smile adorns his face,
Aloof and grayish eyes give chase
As they run up and down your face.
Again I can do nothing,
I have no flesh and bone,
She crumbled on the floor,
Dead in a heap.
With one last breath,
She weezed. "Say something I'm giving up on you. "

A Song Of Winter And Spring: Poetry depicting heartbreak And happiness Where stories live. Discover now