Past (Part 2)

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3rd POV

On the way to the Akimura's Household, Touka and Yuki were silence. Yuki was just following Touka like it was nothing. But Touka couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

What was she doing out here all alone? Where are her parents? Does she have no place to stay at all? Did she even have anything to eat?! How long was she out here in the cold?! Ahhh.... I need to help this girl... Touka thought as she kept on questioning herself.

"Um, is it alright if I call you 'Yuki-chan'?" Touka stopped at her tracks and looked to her side at the small girl.

Yuki stood there and looked at Touka. She gave her a stare and she slightly nodded.

"You can call me 'mom' if you want." Touka said as she smiled at her.

Yuki just stood there and didn't say anything.

Maybe she doesn't want to. And she sure doesn't talk much. Unlike someone I know... Touka thought as she sweat dropped when she remember the person. 

"My home is almost there. A few more minutes. Can you walk?" Touka asked the little girl.

Yuki nodded.

So, the two of them continued walking towards the Akimura Household.

Few minutes later, they arrived.

They opened the door and were welcomed with butlers and maids.

They opened the door and were welcomed with butlers and maids

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"Welcome back, mistress." They all said in unison.

"I'm back."

Touka's POV

"I'm back." I replied them.

"Mistress, may I ask who is the little girl next to you?" One of the butlers, Makoto, said.

"Ah, this is Minami Yuki. She will be staying with us for the time being. Say 'hi' to the butlers and maids, Yuki-chan." I said as I patted her head.

They waited for her to speak.

Yuki-chan looked at me and then at the butlers and maids and back to me then back to them, then back to me again.


So cute~

"Alright guys. Be nice to her, okay?" 

"As you wish, mistress." They bowed.

Then, I heard someone screaming. It has to be her.

"MOOOOM!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!"

Yuki-chan was startled by the loud screeching voice.

 The butlers and maids bowed to my daughter.

She came running to me and started hugging me.

"I'm back, Kao."

She let go of me and looked at Yuki-chan.

"Mom, who's she?"



End of part two! Is it too long? Does this count as a cliffhanger? Oh well

Thanks for reading, really.

Hope you guys like it~


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