Before the Incident

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Kaori's POV

It's been 9 years since Yu-chan came and stayed with us. At first, she always stayed in her room reading her books. She doesn't come out even if we told her to. Shin didn't know what to do either. She only comes out for food and that's it. She will go back to her room and stay there. 

But recently, she's been open to us lately. She comes out sometimes but rarely talks to us. She just go to the garden and read her book there. Did you know she likes to read thick books? After 3 or 4 days, she have already read finished the whole book and she will read the next book or she will asked the servants to buy new books for her. Even I can't read that many! Now her room has like 4 bookshelves filled with books!

When I woke up and went to the dinning room, I saw the servants were busy. Some were walking in a fast pace and some were carrying luggages. I wonder what's the rush? 

I found my mom sitting on the chair drinking tea while reading the newspaper.

"Hey mom. What are they rushing for?" I asked as I pointed towards the busy servants.

 "Oh, Kao. Good morning! Well, didn't you know?" said my mom as she put down her newspaper and looked at me.

I shook my head.

"Sigh... There's a problem in the company back in the United States. And we need to be there asap." She said.

A problem?

"That's why little lady. Go get ready and we'll be leaving soon." She said and continued reading the newspaper.

"Wait! What about Yu-chan?!" I exclaimed.

"Write a letter to her telling that we will be going to the US. We can't have her following us. Don't worry. I'm sure she'll know how to take care of herself." said Mom, without taking her eyes of the newspaper.

"Sigh... Fine."

I went back to my room and prepared everything. After that, I wrote a letter and left it in the kitchen with an apple pie. I'm sure when she wakes up, she's going to be angry... 

Hehe... Sorry, Yu-chan... That's all we have for breakfast.

"Kao, can you teleport us to the airport?" Mom said.

As I was walking to the front door, I saw mom and all the servants standing there, waiting for me.

"The servants are coming too?" I tilted my head.

"That's right. They are going for further training." She replied.

"Even Shin?"

She nodded.

Yu-chan's going to be lonely...

"Okay... Are you guys ready?"

They all stand in their place.

I walked closer to them and yellow light started to form around me.

"Lets go!"

And Bam! We're here at the airport.

"Thank you, Kao!/ Thank you, Kaori-sama." said my mom as the servants bowed to me.

"No prob!"

Our private plane was already there waiting for us.

"Lets' go, everyone." My mom gestured us to follow her and we did.

We found our sit and we took off, flying to the US.

I'll be back soon, Yu-chan. I'll promise.

You'll probably be wondering why can't I just teleport all of us to the US. Well you see, mom said that if I teleport a lot of people to somewhere far, I'll be losing all of my energy and eventually, I'll faint. So yeah, that answer your questions.

As we were flying, the pilot spoke through the speaker.

"Attention to all passengers, there seems to be a problem! The plane is going to crash in the middle of the wide ocean! Please take cover!" After he said that, we felt that the plane was heading downwards in a fast pace. 

Everyone started screaming and panicking.

"K-kao... C-can you teleport us to somewhere safe...?!" Mom asked as she kept on shaking me.

"O-ok!! Just calm down mom! Everyone!! Calm down!! I'm going to teleport us to somewhere safe!! That includes you, Mr. Pilot!!" I shouted and yellow lights started to form around all of us.

Few seconds later, we were teleport to somewhere, leaving the plane crashed into the ocean.

I have no idea where we were but all I know is that we are safe. Even Mr. Pilot.

"Thank you, Kaori-sama!" The servants bowed whereas my mom was just hugging me with tears in her eyes.

"Your welcome everyone! Glad to be able to help!" I smiled.

Well, guess we can't go to US right now.

"Apparently we're already in the US." said Mr. Pilot.

We all looked around and we were really in the US. Wow... I can't believe I teleport us here.

"Kao!! Are you alright?! Do you feel weak?! Can you walk?!" Mom kept on shouting and the people around us were staring at us.

"Mom! I'M FINE!!" I exclaimed. "I think my ability improved."

"Thank goodness...!" She said as she made a sigh.

"Well, since we are already here, lets' get going." She said and we all nodded.

I wonder how long we are going to be here... I hope Yu-chan is okay...

~~Time Skip (After Yuki destroyed the mansion)~~

Yuki's POV

You promised me

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You promised me... You promised that you'll come back... But now... you're gone... 

Just like how it happened 11 years ago... Everyone left me...

And most of all, the scene that appeared in front of my eyes...

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