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Kaori's POV

It's been a few days since I met Yu-chan. Sigh... She hasn't change much, has she? Still the quite girl I know. But one day, I heard from Kunikida that Dazai went on a "date" with Yu-chan!! Right now he's not here. When I see him, I am so gonna kill him for hanging out with my Yu-chan!

"I'm back~!"

Lucky~! When I just mentioned his name, he came right into the room. The others didn't care and continued doing their own works while I started to snicker. Everyone faced me, looking confused.

"Welcome back~ Dazai~ I've been waiting for you~" I said and the others quietly moved away from me and shoved Dazai in front of me.

"H-hey, Yuki-chan..." He shuttered. I looked towards his direction and started shouting at him.

"How dare you hang out with Yu-chan?! And how did you get her phone number when I don't?! What did you do to her?! She's not hurt is she?!" I keep bombering questions at him and he just backed away but I pulled him closer by the collar.

"I-i'm sorry..." I gave a 'tch' and pushed him away.

"You are to tell me her phone number right now," I glared at him and he nodded his head quickly.

After he sent Yu-chan's number to me, I quickly sent her a message.

To: Yu-chan~

From: Kaori~

Subject: Let's hang out!

Hey! Yu-chan! I asked Dazai for your phone number. I can't believe he got yours and I didn't! Anyway, we should hang out! You know, like the old times. What do you say? We should catch up you know? Since we haven't seen each other for so long. Well, please reply me soon. I really hope we could hang out together! Well then, see you soon!

I sent it to Yu-chan. Few moments later, I received a text from her. Wow! That was fast! I opened the message and was happy.

To: Kaori

From: Yuki

Subject: Okay.

Sure. I'm fine with it.

Yay! I get to hang out with Yu-chan today! I was jumping around like a monkey while the others were staring at me.

"Uh... Kaori-chan, are you okay?" Atsu-kun asked and I just nodded my head as I flashed a smile at him.

"Of course! I am going to hang out with Yu-chan today! So don't you guys don't dare to bother the two of us! Or you guys will suffer." With that, I grabbed my sling bag and rushed towards the door. I can't wait to spent time with her.

Kunikida's POV

"It's the first time she's been this happy," said Kenji and the others nodded in agreement.

"But that means she will be hanging out with one of the members from Port Mafia..." said Tanizaki and we just realized that.

"How did you even get her phone number, Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked and ticked marks began to form on my head.

"Let's just say I got a little help from someone..." He smiled and I just kicked him. 

"And you spent your time hanging out with her and your not doing your work?!" I yelled and he just pouted.

"I did~ I went to hang out with her so I can learn more about her~ Sheesh... You don't have to be so mean, Kunikida-kun~" He whined and I just kicked him again.

"Sigh... Anyway, since she's hanging out with a Port Mafia, we should keep an eye on them." I said but Dazai just shook his head and the others kinda agreed with him.

"You don't have to worry so much, Kunikida-kun~ She's actually a nice person~"

"Yeah... And she's Kaori-chan's long lost friend. I don't think anything bad could happen to the two of them."

Everyone nods their heads and I just sighed. "Fine."

Yuki's POV

I can't believe Kaori just asked me to hang out with her. I wonder what she wants?

"Do you really have to go~?" Akane was sobbing and hugging me, not letting me go. 

"Yes. I have to meet an old friend of mine." I said blankly and she just pouted. 

"Fine..." She let go of me and began to walk in the opposite direction.

"Sigh... Just go hang out with your boyfriend..." I said and I felt something hugging me. Sigh... I turned around and saw Akane.

"Okay! Just make sure to come back soon!" She said happily and I nodded. She let go of me and rushed to change, probably something nicer to spent time with her boyfriend.

I too took my leave and went to meet with Kaori.

Time Skip~

I arrived at a nearby park and began to text Kaori that I have arrived. Few minutes later, she arrived too.

"Yeah! I finally get to spent time with you!!" She tackled me into a hug and we both fell to the ground.

"C-can't breath..."

"Oh! Sorry!" She quickly stood up and put out her hand. I took it and she pulled me up.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked and I nodded. We headed towards the cinema and watched a movie.

Time Skip~

We've spent our whole afternoon shopping and buying snacks. Well, mostly Kaori. But it's been a long time since I spent this long time with her. We talked about our times that we missed. She even told me about the Armed Detective Agency even though I'm an enemy to them.

"You should come and join with me, Yu-chan." She said.

"And why should I do that?" I asked and she put both of her hands on my shoulder.

"Look, I don't know what makes you join the Port Mafia. But clearly the Armed Detective Agency is better than the Port Mafia. You should join us." She said and I was clearly annoyed. I slapped her hands away and glared at her.

"You don't know anything about me. Just because we knew each other for so long, doesn't mean that I will follow what you say. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave now." I didn't let her say finish and teleport back to the Port Mafia, leaving Kaori there.

Kaori's POV

When did she become like that? She's not the type who speaks like this to someone. The Port Mafia must have brainwashed her. What ever the cause is, I will make her join the Armed Detective Agency.

I used my ability and went back to the agency with the shopping bags in my hand. 

Sigh... Just what happen to you, Yu-chan...

Yuki's POV

I was back at the Port Mafia and I was in my room. Luckily Akane was still hanging out with her boyfriend. I don't want her to see this side of me. I slumped onto my bed and cried silently.

You don't know anything about me, Kaori... I'm sorry... But I won't go anywhere with you... Not now...

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