Meeting Port Mafia

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Yuki's POV

So I'm officially a Port Mafia member, huh...

"By the way, Yuki-chan..." said Mori-san as we were walking towards their base. Elise was tugging onto Mori-san's pants while giggling.

I looked at him to hear what he has to say.

"What were you doing out here all alone?"

I stopped at my tracks and I could feel that the two of them turned their backs looking at me.

"What's wrong, Yu-nee?" Elise asked.

I shook my head and continued walking further in front of them with my head down. I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later... But not now...

Mori's POV

Did something happen to her a few days ago? I should ask her some other time. 

"Then, Yuki-chan. Do you have an ability?" I asked her, curious.

She turned her back and faced me. Her eyes shined as the sunlight hit on her. Her eyes were in beautiful dark blue. But her eyes, it seems different. It's as if it doesn't show any emotions. This is the first time I see her straight in the eyes.

She nodded her head. 

Both me and Elise looked at her with our eyes wide open.

She has an ability? 

"And what would that ability be?" I asked as we continued walking to the base, not wasting time.

"Everything is Mine." She said.

That's a cool name. I wonder what does it do.

"What does it do, Yu-nee?" Elise-chan asked excitedly, reading my mind.

"The ability to copy other's ability and I am able to manipulate anything." She explained. This is the first time I heard she speak more than two words. Well, it's a start. Wait... the ability to copy other's ability... Does that include mine?!

"Erm... Did you perhaps copied mine...?" I asked and she nodded her head. Eeh...?!?!

"But don't worry. I'm NOT going to use it." She said. Thank god...

Time Skip (Yuki's POV)

Few minutes of walking later, we arrived at their base.

"We're here!" Mori-san said.

He opened the door and we were greeted by his coworkers... I guess...?

"Welcome back, Boss." They bowed.


"Boss, may I ask who is that girl over there?" A guy who was rather short and wearing a fedora pointed at me.

"Ah... This will be the new member of Port Mafia. Minami Yuki. Everyone treat her well!" said Mori-san while smiling. I need to get use of that.

Everyone was dumbfounded by his statement.


"Like I said, everyone treat her well. She's new to this place so show her around. Chuuya, you'll be her partner for now." said Mori-san who was pointed at the fedora guy who I think is name 'Chuuya'. 

"Huh?! Why me?!" Chuuya exclaimed.

"Because I ordered you to. Now, me and Elise-chan will be going first. Chuuya-kun, introduce everyone to her and bring her to my office later. Got it?" said Mori-san, smiling again.

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