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Ken's POV

It's been a few days and Master is still sick. The girl who I presume is called Kaori was the one who has been taking care of her. The others were also worried about her and that Dazai guy has been bugging this Chuuya guy. Why can't he just leave?!

I stopped in front of my Master's room and I knocked on the door. I heard a soft come in and I saw my Master lying in the bed but I didn't see Kaori anywhere. I walked closer to her sat on the chair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, placing my hand on her forehead. It was still burning. "A bit better, thanks." She gave me a small smile and my cheeks were tinted with a bit of pink. "Where's Kaori-sama?" I asked, trying to shrug the blush off. "She went to get some medicine for me." I nod.

Just on cue, the said girl teleport back in Master's room. "Oh, Ken-san." She saw me and I just bowed my head slightly. She took the medicine out from the plastic bag and gave it to Master. I helped her sat up as she took the pills and the glass of water. She swallowed it and said thanks.

"You're welcome, Yu-chan. Anything for my sister." Kaori smiled widely while Master just gave her one of small smile. I should probably head back soon. The Prez and the others are probably worried." said Kaori. Master nodded her head.

When she was about to leave, she turned her back towards Master. "Are you sure you don't want to join the Agency?" She asked and Master just sighed. "My answer will never change, Kaori. And you know that." She said. 

 "Fine... I should go and find Dazai and bring him back. I'm guessing he's causing too much trouble to your comrades." Kaori pouted. "Show her around Ken. I think you should know the place by now." Master said and I bowed to her. "As you wish, Master." Then I opened the door and led Kaori to find that Dazai guy.

Yuki's POV

Sigh... Finally they left. Truth to be told, I'm actually better already. The warmth that Ken felt on my forehead was actually one of my powers which was fire. I didn't know I had that power until recently cause I didn't have any memories of it. But now I do. I got it from my mom. Just the thought of her made me let tears slip again. I quickly wiped them away.

I stood up and changed into a white T-shirt with the word 'Music' on it and wore a pair on jeans. I wore a black coat around myself and placed my headphones around my neck. I left the room and went to find wherever Chuuya is. Ken is probably with him because he took Kaori to find Dazai and Dazai is probably with Chuuya.

As I was along the hallway, I saw Chuuya and Ken talking to each other. Dazai and Kaori probably left already. I walked up to them and the both of them were surprised. "Yuki, are you sure you are able to walk around like that?" Chuuya asked in a worried tone. "I'm fine, Chuuya-senpai. I'm feeling better already." I said and turned to Ken. "You should probably head back soon." I told him which made Chuuya confused.

"Of course, Master. Have a good day." With that, he disappeared in the ray of dark blue lights. I turned back to Chuuya who still had a confused look that says 'you better tell me what happened'. I sighed. "Let's go to somewhere more comforting and relaxing." I said as I began to walk to a cafe, ignoring the blush on Chuuya's cheek.

Chuuya's POV

Did she just ask me out on a date? No no no... That can't be true. Why would I even think that?! Ah... But I really it is a date... Wait! What am I thinking?!?! Argh!!! She just want to go somewhere relaxing to talk about it that's all... Yeah... Why am I getting my hopes up?

"Chuuya-senpai, are you coming or not?" She snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to her. The rays of sunlight that shines through the window made her even more cute and beauti-- Gah!! Stop it, Chuuya!! I quickly ran to her side and walked next to her.

The walk was silent until I decide to break the it. "So? Where are we going?" I asked and she continued walking until she arrived in front of a cafe. "We're here." She said and opened the door and head inside with me following behind. We found a seat by the window and waitress gave us the menu. We took our order and waited for our food.

"Okay. I guess I should tell you." I nodded my head and she took a deep breath and began to explain everything. "So, that day, I left Port Mafia and decide to go pay a visit to my house which was where my parents were murdered. I stopped by a flower shop to buy a some flowers for them and I copied the owner's ability." She said.

"And the ability is 'Shadow Beneath'..." I said as I remembered she said it to summon Ken. She nodded her head and continued her explanation. "That ability was that there's a demon speaking to you in your mind and when you said the ability name, only will Ken appear. Anyway, after I bought the flowers, I went to my parents' house and said my prayers to them. 

"I summoned Ken when I stood in front of the door in my parents room cause they never let me in there before. Ken kicked down the door and I looked around the room and started to cry. I soon fell asleep and was awake in the flower shop's owner's house."

"You what?!" I exclaimed and Yuki just sighed. "Ken brought me there because I was shivering in the cold and that was when I got sick the next day. After that, I arrived in front of Port Mafia and you know what happens next." She said and our food arrives. We ate our food in silence. Just as I thought we could have a peaceful meal, something made me look outside the window.

My eyes went wide and I shouted at Yuki. "Yuki! Get down!" She was shocked and looked out the window but was too late. A gun was shot which made the glass window shattered around us. She quickly jumped away from the seat and so did I.

The customers and workers all screamed. I ran towards Yuki side to see if she was hurt, and she was. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. "I'm fine..." She said softly and I just clicked my tongue. I looked back up at the window and saw a few men in suits walk towards us. Yuki quickly backed away as her eyes showed fear in them. 

"Give us the girl."

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