Joining the Agency

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Kaori's POV

When Dazai-san asked what happened here, our faces darkened. 

"Um..." said Dazai-san.

"We are not sure ourselves. But when we came back after 6 months, our mansion was destroyed. And Yuki-sama..." as Shin was explaining, he started to have tears in his eyes when he mention Yu-chan.

"May I ask who is this 'Yuki-sama'?" Dazai-san asked.

"She's my sister."

Dazai's POV

"Your sister?"

"They're not blood-related though. They just act like sisters." said Touka-san as she smiled.


"But who could have done such a thing?" Kaori-chan asked, seeming angry.

"We need to find out I guess. We should call for a police." said a butler.

"There's a no need!" I exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads and looked at me.

"What do you mean Dazai-san?" Kaori-chan titled her head in confusion.

"Well, Kaori-chan. Since you are an ability user, do you want to join the Armed Detective Agency with me?" I said.

"What is that?" Everyone said.

"Ehh?! You don't know?" I said, seeming shocked and everyone nodded their head.

"Well, basically is an Agency with ability users and we help those in needs." I smiled.

"Why don't you join them, Kao-chan?" Touka-san suggested and the said girl nodded her head. "Great!"

"But what about the house?" Kaori-chan as she pointed at the destroyed mansion.

"I'll have someone fixed it. In the meantime, we'll be staying at a pent house temporally. Kou, could you called someone to fix this mess?" said Touka-san and the butler who the name goes by 'Kou' bowed to her. "As you wish, Milady."

"Then I guess, we should go now." I said.

Kaori-chan looked at me then at her mom. She hugged Touka-san and said goodbye.

"I'll miss you, Mom."

"I'll miss you too, Kao-chan. Stay safe. Call me if anything happens okay?" 

Kaori-chan nodded her head. "Okay."

"I leave her in your care then, Dazai-san." said Touka-san. 

"You can count on me!" I exclaimed. "Let's go then!"

"Okay!" Kaori-chan said happily.

I wonder what will Kunikida-kun said. But I'm sure the President doesn't mind. A new member in the Agency... That will be great!

Time Skip~

Kaori's POV

Few minutes later, we arrived in front of a building which I think is the Agency.

"We're here!" Dazai-san said.

He lead me into a building and I was greeted by a man with glasses shouting at Dazai-san.

"Dazai, where have you been?!"

"Ah... Kunikida-kun~ I was about to commit a suicide when I found this girl right here!" Dazai-san said as he pushed me in front of him. Now I am facing the guy who I think his name is Kunikida.

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