After 3 years (Yuki)

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Yuki's POV

It's been three years since I joined the Port Mafia. I've met the other members too. Ichiyou Higuchi, Motojirou Kajii, Yumeno Kyusaku, Ryurou Hirotsu, Tachihara Michizou and Gin. They all seem to accept me.

Chuuya-senpai has been teaching me and I've become quite well using the sword. Apparently I was quite a fast learner. Even Mori-san was quite shock too. Eventually, I became an executive in the Port Mafia. Although they keep encouraging me to speak more, I didn't. I don't have to. There's not a need for me to speak much.

As I was spending time with the Port Mafia, I learnt that they are enemies with this Armed Detective Agency. Huh... Speaking of the agency, Chuuya-senpai said there was this guy who likes to commit suicide and has bandages wrapped all around his body. And his name was Dazai Osamu whose nickname is Bandage Wasting Device. What a weird name... And he used to be partner with Chuuya-senpai.

I heard that Dazai-san's ability was No Longer Human, and it can nullify abilities. I want to meet this guy and copy his ability, then maybe I can nullify Chuuya-senpai's Corruption ability, then maybe he won't get hurt... But I don't think he'll use that ability. Come to think of it, if his ability is to nullify other ability with a slight touch, won't my ability be nullified too? Oh well, you'll never know right? Got to see this guy and try to copy his ability first and see what happen.

Recently, I've been pairing up with Chuuya-senpai or Akutagawa-senpai on missions. But sometimes I'll go missions by myself. It was quite fun actually, being on missions and all. However, I still have my own purpose. I want my revenge on that person who-

"Yuki!" Just as I was spacing out, someone cut of my thought. I looked up from the book that I was reading and saw Chuuya-senpai rushing towards me with Akutagawa-senpai following behind. You might be wondering, but the members in the Port Mafia started calling me by my given name except for Mori-san and Elise, but I don't mind at all.


"We've got ourselves a mission to do. You, me and Akutagawa are in a team." said Chuuya-senpai as he was trying to catch his breath from all those running.

"I told you not to run, Chuuya. *cough*" said Akutagawa-senpai as he covered his mouth. Seriously, is he okay?

"But isn't the mission important?"

"Not really..."

"Huh?! Then why didn't you say it sooner?!" Chuuya-senpai shouted which made me flinched and covered my ears.

"Look what you did, you scared Yuki-chan." said Akutagawa-senpai as he patted my head, telling me it's okay. He's such a nice guy.

"S-sorry, Yuki." He said and I shook my head and let go of my hands.

Chuuya's POV

Damn... I forgot that Yuki doesn't like loud noise. Sigh... I'm such a fool... Grrahhh!!!! Right now the important thing is the mission!

"*cough* Anyway, it's time we head to our mission." I said and the other two nodded their heads.

"Let's go."

And off we go to our mission.

Yuki's POV

We walked around the town for about an hour and we were in an alleyway. What's the mission about anyway? I turned and saw that Akutagawa-senpai is standing beside me. Well, I guess I should ask him. I slightly pulled his sleeve and he turned to me.


"...What's the mission about?" I asked in my usual soft voice.

"Oh... Apparently we need to assassinate someone." He replied, looking around.

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