Hanging Out with Dazai? (Part 2)

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Dazai's POV

"Why did you leave the Port Mafia?"

That damn Chuuya...

"Well, I have my own reasons." I said as I smiled at her.

"Okay. Then I won't ask any further." Yuki replied.


"You don't want to ask me?" She shook her head.

"You have your own reasons right? Then I won't force you to answer it. Everyone has something that they can't say it out loud. Just like the two of us. I have my own reasons of joining the Port Mafia and you have your own reasons of leaving." She said. 

Wow... This is the first time I heard her speak that much. But from what she said, it seems she doesn't want to know the reasons.

"By the way, I know I don't have the right to say it but I hope it will help you though..."

"Go ahead." I smiled at her and she took a deep breath.

"I know you had a terrible memory of the past... But, don't let it get to you. I know you feel hurt right now whenever you think about it, but you should just let it go. I heard from Chuuya-senpai that you like to commit suicide. You probably hate your life but don't. 

"There's still so much things to know about. And think about the others as well. If you die, what will the people who cared about you think about? What will they do? What will the Armed Detective do? You are a great person and I know it. So, you shouldn't just think about yourself and commit suicide. Think about the people around you. Maybe not to you, but to me, life is precious. You should enjoy it.

"Haha... I just said something weird right? Sorry... Guess I got too ahead of myself... Hehe..." She smiled cheekily.

I was surprised at her words. Every word, every sentence... They're so meaningful... Maybe she knows who I really am? For someone like her who probably had a terrible past like me, to say those words to someone who had shared the same painful memories... Means that he or she wants to tell this to herself? She couldn't say it, but when she met someone like her, she said it to them... This girl... Heh... I've never met anyone like her.

I looked back at her and smiled. "It's fine. It meant a lot to me. So thanks."

She turned back at me and grinned. She should smile more. It suits her. Wonder what happened to her past? I hope she tells me...

Yuki's POV

I can't believe I said those to him! Gahh!! I'm so embarrassed! Ok... Take deep breaths... Calm down... But I do hope he won't commit suicide. 

We were walking around the streets for quite a long time and it's already dusk. I looked up at the sky and it was a beautiful sunset.

 I looked up at the sky and it was a beautiful sunset

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