The Encounter

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Yuki's POV

It's been a few days since the incident. I've been walking along the street without food and shelter. I was so hungry... But I didn't have enough money with me. Sigh... Should have brought some. My stomach is like growling right now.

As usual, everyone avoided their gazed on me. I wonder how I look right now... Well... I already healed myself so I guess I'm not in a bad condition.

As I was walking, I saw a man who is about in his 30s walking around with a worried look on his face. I didn't bother so I continued walking. But when I passed by him, he called out to me.

 But when I passed by him, he called out to me

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"Hey, you! Come here for a sec."

I stopped at my tracks and turned around. He was smiling at me.

A weirdo... Better keep my distance... I thought.

I walked towards him and he patted my head.

"Good girl. Now could you do me a favor?" 

He touched my head... He's an ability user like me. It's the first time I've met someone besides... Anyway, now that he made contact with me, I've already copied his ability.

 Vita Sexualis...

 Ok... Weird name... Well, let's see what it does. An ability that allows him to configure Elise in any way he wants...? And he can form a being or thing he desires...? What the heck? Who's this 'Elise' anyway? Well... NOT going to use this ability in the future...

As I was in my thought, he showed me a picture of a girl who has blond hair.

"I'm looking for this girl. Can you help me?" He smiled again. 

Well, it's not like I have anything to do. Guess I'll help him. But if he does anything weird, he's dead.

So, I nodded my head.

"Thanks!" He said.

So, the two of us went to look for this girl.

Mori's POV

I wonder where is Elise-chan... I can't find her anywhere... Where could she be?!

As I was walking back and forth, a girl with waist long black hair passed by. Why is she all alone? Oh well... Maybe she could help me find Elise-chan.

"Hey you! Come here for a sec." I shouted. 

She stopped at her tracks and turned around. She walked towards me and stopped. I smiled and patted her head.

"Good girl. Now, could you do me a favor?" I asked and she seems to be in a deep thought. I wonder what is she thinking.

I took out a picture of Elise-chan and showed it to her. 

"I'm looking for her. Can you help me?" I smiled.

She thought for awhile and nodded her head.


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