What's Wrong...?

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Chuuya's POV

Yuki is not being herself these few days. She's been avoiding everyone, even Akane. She even told Akane to stay away from her. She told all of us to never come into her room which made Akane to stay with her boyfriend. I wonder what happened to her... 

I know she may seem cold towards us but this time it's different. And even worse, she hasn't been having a regular meal. Sometimes she skip them or she'll just eat a few bites and head towards somewhere. We were getting more and more worried about her. We tried talking to her but she'll just walked away.

As I was walking along the corridor I spotted the black hair girl walking with her head down. I quickly walked to her and grabbed her wrist. She turns around and glare at me.

"Tch... What do you want?" She has dark circles. Hasn't she been sleeping properly? And it's the first time she has talked to me like that.

"Yuki... Are you alright?" I asked. I was so worried about her. She's not taking care of herself and she seemed to be suffering. She pulled her wrist from my grip and walked away.

"Yuki! Wait--" Before I could even grab her wrist again, she teleport to somewhere again. Where did she go this time?

"Sigh..." I turned back and walked towards Boss's office. Maybe he'll know what's wrong... 

What's wrong, Yuki...? You know we are here for you, so why won't you tell us anything? We are so worried about you... Please let us help you, Yuki...

Yuki's POV

Tch! Can't they just leave me alone?! I want to be alone right now... I don't want to be with the outside world... It's just too cruel... Right now, I want to disappear from this cruel world... But I can't do that yet, not until I get revenge on that guy... I may looked rude and cold to them right now, but I don't care. I just hope they will just leave me alone...

Akutagawa's POV

I wonder what's wrong with Yuki-chan... She's not like herself... I want to help her in someway but she just pushed me aside. Not even me, Chuuya and Akane-chan too. She has been keeping herself locked away from us. We are worried about her... I hope she'll be okay...

When I was walking along the corridor deep in thought, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch where--" I noticed who I bumped into and it was Yuki-chan. Her head was hung down but I could see dark circles under her eyes. Is she not sleeping well?

"I'm so--" Before I could even apologize, she just teleport to somewhere again. 

Sigh... Yuki... What's wrong? Please tell us... You know we are here for you right? So can't you tell us what's going on? We just want to help you...

Yuki's POV

Just great... I bumped into another person and it was Akutagawa-senpai... I'm sorry that I just teleport back there but I really just want to be alone right now... I just want to be alone...

Chuuya's POV

I was walking and I saw Akutagawa just standing there spacing out. It's unlike him.

"Oi, Akutagawa. Are you okay?" I asked as I patted his shoulder. He was startled but soon relax when he saw me.

"Yea... I just bumped into Yuki-chan earlier..." 

"You did? I bumped into her not long ago too..." I said.

"Where are you going anyway?" He asked.

"Thought go and find the Boss and asked him what's wrong with Yuki. Wanna tag along?" He nodded his head and we head towards his office.

Time Skip~

I knocked on the door three times and I heard a "Come in."

I saw Boss doing some paper works while Elise was drawing. He looked from his work and was surprised when he saw the two of us here.

"What brings you guys here? Is there something wrong?" He asked which caused Elise to look up from her drawing too.

"Well, you see... Yuki has been acting weird these days..." I said and both Boss and Elise had their eyes wide open.

"What do you mean?" Elise asked.

"Yuki-chan has been avoiding us for a few days and we don't know what's wrong with her... We are all worried about her..." Akutagawa replied and Boss was deep in thought.

"Rintaro... Do you know what's wrong?" 

"I'm afraid I do not, Elise-chan. Maybe she just need some time alone for awhile... I'm sure she'll be fine in a few days," said Boss and we nodded our heads.

"Okay... Then we'll be taking our leave now..." We bowed our head and left the room. 

Me and Akutagawa were walking silently. Right now I just want to find Yuki and help her... But I don't know where is she... God... Yuki... Why are you being like this...

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Akutagawa broke the silence and I just shook my head.

"I'm not sure... I just hope she will tell us what's wrong..." I said and he nods.

Yuki... Please... We just want to help you... So why won't you come to us and talk to us? Even if we can't help you, we just want to be by your side. We promised that we will stay together no matter what. So why are you avoiding us? Did we do something wrong to you? If we did, we're sorry... Just tell us what's wrong... We just want to help you...

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