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Kaori's POV

Three years and I am finally 18! Yeah! Anyway, throughout these 3 years, I've been going quite well with the Armed Detective Agency. Dazai kept on bugging me on committing a double suicide with him but Kunikida will always kick him. Thanks Kunikida...

Sometimes, Ranpo will give me some of his sweets which is rare. He never give his sweets to others. Oh yeah! I met the others too. Akiko Yosano, the Tanizaki siblings, Junichirou and Naomi, Kirako Haruno and Kyouka Izumi. (A/N Like I said, I'm changing a bit.)

It's nice to spend time with them. The destroyed mansion was already fixed and sometimes I will bring them to my home. They were always amazed that how big my house was. Some of them were even happy that they get to go to THE Akimura household.

Right now, everyone was doing their work except for Dazai, as usual. "Kaori-chan~ I'm bored~"

"Then go do some work, idiot." said Kunikida and me. "Meanie..."

As I was eating my crepe, the Prez came in with a file on his hand. "We have a mission."

We gathered around and wait for the Prez to explain what mission is it about.

"We are to find this person and get rid of her." He said. All of us were shocked to hear what he just said. I mean, aren't the Armed Detective is suppose to help people and not kill them? The Prez gave the file to Kunikida and we surrounded him.

"Please kill this person. She has been murdering people non stop and we need to put an end to this. We can't find any information about her but all we know is she wears a black mask and has a black sword with her. Please get rid of this person at once. Thank you. For more information, please look at the profile." Kunikida read and all of us were surprised. Who would done such a thing?

He took out the said profile and scan through it.

"She's from the Port Mafia?!" Kunikida exclaimed and we were shocked, especially Dazai.

"There's no sign of her picture and her name. All we know is she wears a mask and she carries a sword with her..." said Atsu-kun.

"Ranpo, can you check this out?" the Prez asked and we looked towards his direction.

"Sigh... Fine..." He took out his glasses and said his ability. "Super Deduction."

Few minutes later, "I'm sorry. I can't seemed to find out who this person is." He said and we had a depression look on our face. Then there was silence between all of us.

"Alright then. Dazai, Kunikida and Kaori, you guys will look for this unknown person and bring her here. We'll see what to do with her later. You guys can ask the others to help you. That is all." said the Prez and he left the room.

"Guess we'll be tracking this person down huh...?" I said and they nodded.

"Well then... Kaori-chan! You and I are going to be a--" Before Dazai could finish his sentence, I cut him off. 

"Not a chance Dazai. You are going by yourself. I'll be taking Kenji-kun, Kyou-chan and Atsu-kun." I said as I hung my arms on two their shoulders.

"E-eh?" said Atsu-kun. "C'm on... What could possibly go wrong?" I smiled at them and they sweat dropped.

"Fine... What about you, Kuniki--" 

"No thank you. I'll be going with the others." He said as he pushes up his glasses. The others that were not called by me stood beside Kunikida, leaving Dazai all alone by himself.

"You guys are so mean~! Fine then! Guess I'll be going!" He pouted and left the room. After he left, we started discussing our strategy.

Dazai's POV

They are so mean to me!! I'll just find this unknown person by myself. But who could this person be? It says she's from Port Mafia, but I don't recall anyone... Maybe they have someone new?!

I was walking along the city, trying to find this person but still no luck. Then I turned into an alleyway but stopped at my tracks and smirked at the person.


"Well well well... If it isn't Akutagawa-kun~" I said.

"What are you doing here?" He said, annoyed.

"I should be asking you the same thing~" I gave him a closed eye smile. That was when he got pissed off and he used his Ability.

"Rashoumon!" His black coat (A/N I have no idea what is that black thing call but if you guys do, please tell me) started to rush towards me but I easily dodged it.

"I see you still haven't change, Akutagawa-kun." 

"Tch!" He continued aiming his black coat at me but I easily dodged it. 

I then got closer to him and nullified his ability.


"Now you won't be able to fight me, Akutagawa-kun~" I said.

I was about to kick him but stopped when someone stood between Akutagawa and me as the person hold my leg tightly. It was that Unknown person! Since she's from Port Mafia, is she with Akutagawa?! 

"Yuki-chan..." He said. So her name is 'Yuki' huh? She let go of my leg and I quickly step back. She turned towards Akutagawa and said something.

"You're such an idiot, Akutagawa-senpai..." 

Pfft... She called him an idiot. But he is her senpai? How old is she?

"Oi! I'm not an idiot!" He exclaimed and this Yuki girl shook her head. She turned to me and slightly bowed. 

"Sorry for causing trouble, Bandage-wasting device." She said and left with Akutagawa, leaving me there surprise.

"That Chuuya must have told her about me..." I smiled at this and decided to walk back to the Armed Detective.

Guess I know who she is already~ Can't wait to tell them about this 'Yuki' girl. But unfortunately, I couldn't see her face. If not, I would have known her a bit better.

Yuki's POV

Me and Akutagawa-senpai were heading back to the Port Mafia.

"Yuki-chan..." I looked up at him. "Why did you call me an idiot just now?"

"Did you have to say my name in front of him? Isn't he from the Armed Detective Agency? Now he knows my name and they'll track me down..." I said.

"Sorry..." He apologized and I shook his head meaning it's okay.

"By the way, earlier you grabbed Dazai-san's leg right?" I nod. "Did you copy his ability?"

"I did." I replied.

"Eh?! But his ability is to nullify others. How were you able to copy his ability?" He asked. I stopped at my tracks and took out my mask cause it was too hot wearing it.

"Easy. That's because he doesn't know I have an ability." I answered and he nodded his head which I guess he understands. Then, we continued to walk to our base.

I can't believe I actually copied his ability. Now I don't have to worry about anything and I can nullify other abilities if I want to. Good thing he didn't notice... But now... I'll be track down by the Armed Detective Agency... Sigh... Guess I need to figure out a way to hide myself...

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