Akane has a Boyfriend?

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Yuki's POV

It's been a few days since Akane has joined the Port Mafia. We eventually became best friends and she's been improving a lot on her fighting skills. Today was our day off, so we have all day to ourselves.

"Hey Yuki-chan! Do you want to hang out with me?" Akane asked as we were walking around the corridor.

"I already am." I replied blankly and she pouted.

"No~ I mean like going out~ Not being stuck here..." She said and I just sighed.


"Yeah~!" Then we went to change into something more comfortable. 

We arrived in front of the cinema and I thought we were going to buy tickets and popcorn but we were only standing.

"Um... Akane? What are we doing just standing here?" I glanced at her to see she was typing on her phone.

"We're waiting for someone! I want you to meet him!" She said, not looking at me.

Few minutes of waiting later, I was leaning by the wall when Akane suddenly shouted.

"Jean~!" I fluttered my eyes open and saw someone waving at the two of us, or maybe just her. 

"Hey there Aka-chan~! Is that the friend you were talking about?" He smiled at me and Akane just nodded

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"Hey there Aka-chan~! Is that the friend you were talking about?" He smiled at me and Akane just nodded.

"Yep! She is! Oh Yuki-chan! Meet Ryuzaki Jeon! He's my boyfriend! And Jeon, this is Minami Yuki!" She said happily while tugging onto his sleeve.

"Nice to meet you, Minami-chan! Thanks for taking care of Aka-chan~" said Ryuzaki-san.

B-boyfriend.....? Akane has a boyfriend? 

"Anyway~ Let's go~" said Akane as she dragged the two of us to wherever she's going. 

Time Skip~

Sigh... I feel like I'm an outsider. The two love birds over there were spending their time together. I shouldn't have come along. I was walking behind Akane and Ryuzaki as they were chatting non-stop. It's like I'm their bodyguard.

"Oh! Jeon! Do you want to come along to my company?" When I heard her say 'company', I quickly pulled her to one side, away from Ryuzaki.

"Hey~ What was that for~?" She whined.

"Didn't I told you not to tell anybody the mafia?! You know what will happen if he were to find out! You don't want to be gone right?!" I whisper-yelled at her and she hung her head down.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sigh... Just watch what you're going to say okay? If you were to tell him anything about the mafia, either the both of you die or he dies. You don't want that to happen right?" I said sternly and she nodded. We went back to Ryuzaki who was staring at the sky.

"It's getting late. Should we head back?" He suggested and I nodded.


Akane and I sent him back to his apartment and we went back to the Port Mafia. Chuuya-senpai and Akutagawa-senpai saw the both of us and we decided to head out for dinner.

"What?! Akane has a boyfriend?!" Chuuya-senpai shouted and I hit his head. Akane and Akutagawa-senpai sweat dropped at the scene.

"Be quiet will you?" I said as I glared at him.

"Hehe... Yea. I do have a boyfriend." She said as she drank her chocolate milkshake.

"I can't believe Akane-chan already has a boyfriend... Look at us... We're older than her but we still get ourselves a girlfriend..." Akutagawa-senpai sighed with Chuuya-senpai nodding in agreement.

"What about you, Yuki-chan? Don't you have a boyfriend?" Akane teased me. The two senpais looked at me, waiting for my answer. But I just drank my green tea and replied blankly.

"No. And I don't plan to have one."

Chuuya's POV

Yuki doesn't plan to have a boyfriend...? But, she's so pretty and cute! How can she not have a boyfriend?! WAIT!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, CHUUYA?!?!

Akutagawa and I was just staring at her with eyes wide open. And Akane just pouted.

"Eeh... But you're so pretty~" 

"Sigh... I'm leaving..." said Yuki as she placed her cup on the table and left, leaving the three of us behind.

I wonder what's wrong...

Yuki's POV

I can't believe Akane just asked me that question. There's no way I'm getting a boyfriend. And me, pretty? Hmph... Not in a million years. I'm just a person who is meant to be alone. Sigh... I just want to leave this world...

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