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Akutagawa's POV

"She's gone..."

Eh? Did I just heard him right? That can't be true... Yuki-chan is gone? What does he mean by that...

"C-chuuya... What are you saying..."

"Like I said... She's gone. Yuki is gone! If only I was able to protect her, then this wouldn't have happen..." I heard Chuuya on the other line. I gulped and tried to calm down.

"O-okay... Why don't you come back first? Then you can tell us everything..." I told him. What would the Boss say? More importantly, how will Elise-chan feel?

"B-but! I need to find her!" Chuuya shouted from the other side of the call.

"Chuuya! Calm down! We will work this out somehow! So just come back to the base and we will talk about it. There's a chance the Boss and the others might know where she is." I said as I started to head to where the Boss is.

"Yeah... Maybe you're right. I'll come back now." Then he hung up. Sigh... I ran towards where Boss is and decide to tell him about the situation right now.

Yuki-chan... Please be safe...

~With Yuki and the mysterious person~

Yuki's POV

Ugh... My head hurts. What happened... 

I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself in a cell with my hands handcuffed at the back. There wasn't anything in the cell just a pool of something red... Wait! Is that blood?! I tried to free myself but it was no use.

"Ah~ You're finally awake, Yuki-chan~" I heard a voice. I looked up and saw the man standing outside the cell with two other men in suits. It was the person who we were suppose to kill few weeks ago... The same man who murdered my parents!

"Let me go!" I shouted at him but he just smirked at me. When he opened the cell, there was golden light surrounding him, and the door of the cell opened. I tried to break free using one of my abilities but it was no use.

"It's no use trying to escape, Yuki-chan~ Those handcuffs are meant to nullify abilities~" He grinned at me as he held my chin up so that I could look at him. I glared daggers at him and he grinned even more.

"You look so much like your mother~ But you're more beautiful~" He sang as he caressed my left cheeks with his fingers. I shivered at the way he touches me. I kicked him in the stomach and quickly backed away from him.

"Oh ho~ You're a tough girl aren't ya? Why don't we have some fun~?" He looked me with a sadistic smile as he took out a sword. The same sword that kill my parents.

Ah... Am I going to die here? Will I be able to see my parents again? I'm sorry I couldn't avenge you guys... 

I close my eyes, waiting to get kill by this man.

"Hehe~ I'm going to make you screamed in pain~" He sang as he slashed his sword at my right arm.

Chuuya-senpai... Akutagawa-senpai... Kaori... Thank you for everything... Then, I fell into complete darkness. 

Chuuya's POV

I was walking towards the base with my head down. I can't believe I lost her... As I was walking along the streets, I felt droplets of water on me. I looked up at the sky and it was raining. People started to walk at a faster pace to find a shelter. But for me, I didn't care about the rain. I just continued walking towards the base.

When I arrived, they all looked at me shocked. "Chuuya-kun... Are you okay?" I heard Kouyou-san said to me. I looked up at them with no emotion in my eyes. "Yeah..." I replied. "Where's the Boss?" I asked and they told me that he is waiting for me in his office. I nodded my head as thanks and went to his office.

I knocked on the door three times until I heard a soft 'come in' and went inside. Akutagawa was already there too. Elise as usual was drawing but with a sad look on her face. Boss was sitting in his chair with his eyes close.

"Chuuya-kun, can you tell me what happened?" Boss words were cold and it made me sent chills down my spine. I gestured me to sit next to Akutagawa and I did so. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and he had his eyes close too.

"Yuki and I went to cafe to relax when suddenly the window next to us shattered into pieces. Few men in suits came in through the window and told us to give Yuki to them. Of course, I did not let them take her away. This made them pissed off and they drew their guns out. When they pulled the trigger, Yuki stood in front of me.

"However, she didn't get shot. In fact, she made the bullets drop to the ground. Then someone knocked her out with a tranquilizer and she went unconscious. But before I could catch her, she was captured in a sphere. Then, someone entered the destroyed cafe. It was the man who we're supposed to kill few weeks ago. He then teleport with his men and took Yuki away..."

Mori's POV

Hmm... After hearing what happened, there's a high chance Yuki-chan could be in danger. I stood up from my chair and walked towards the window. I stare outside the scenery for awhile until I spoke up.

"Chuuya-kun, contact Dazai-kun." I turned my head and looked at Chuuya-kun and Akutagawa-kun who had their eyes wide. "B-but, Boss!" I sighed and walked towards them. 

"Sigh... Now it's not the time to think about the enemy. Right now the most important thing is to safe Yuki-chan and killed the man that we were supposed to kill. I'm sure Yuki-chan's friend... Kaori was it? Will be worried sick if she heard her best friend was kidnapped. Now do as I say and call Dazai-kun and tell him to situation." I said. "Yes..." Chuuya then took out his phone and dialed.

I then faced Akutagawa. "Akutagawa-kun, I want you to tell the others and we will meet at the basement." He nodded his head and ran outside my office. "Boss, Dazai said he and the others will start to find Yuki-chan first." I heard Chuuya said and I nod and walked out my office to the basement with Elise-chan and Chuuya following behind me.

Yuki-chan, we will save you. I promise.

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