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Dazai's POV

I quickly went back to the Armed Detective to tell them about this 'Yuki' girl. I slammed opened the door causing everyone to look at me.

"Why did you do that for, Dazai-san? And why are you panting so hard?" said Atsushi-kun as he saw me catching my breath.

"Well that's because I found the killer." I said with a serious tone. They looked at me surprised.

"You did?" Kunikida-kun said.

"Yes. And apparently her name is Yuki." Everyone seemed calmed about the name except for one person, and that is Kaori-chan. She was shaking and soon she fell to the ground. We all looked at her with a confused expression.

"Y-yuki...?" There were tears bickering at the end of her eyes. We were surprised. Those she know this person?

"Kaori-chan, you know her?" asked Ranpo and she nodded her head slowly. And we were shocked.

Kaori's POV

I can't believe it... She's alive...? But, how is that possible? We saw her dead body back then. So how can she still be alive? 

"Can you tell us about her?" said Kunikida and I nodded my head.

"You can say she's my adopted sister." 

"Sister? You mean the one that was dead back at your mansion?" Dazai asked and I flinched at the statement but I nod my head.

"What do you mean dead, Dazai?" Yosa-nee questioned but was stopped by Kunikida. "Let her say finish, Yosano-san."

"When I was six, my mom brought Yu-chan to our mansion and we started to look after her. She doesn't talk much and she always stays in her room reading books. And she doesn't show any emotions for these few years. One day when I was 15, our family had business to attend to in the US so we left Yu-chan alone at the mansion. When we came back after 6 months, the house was destroyed and we saw Y-yu-chan's d-dead body..." I whimpered at the last few words, reminding me about the day when we saw Yu-chan's lifeless body.

"She's dead? Then how is alive?" asked Kenji-kun and I shook my head. "I don't know..."

"Dazai, did you see her face?" Kunikida faced Dazai but he shook his head. "Sadly, no. She was wearing the mask so I couldn't see her face."

"Do you have a picture of this 'Yuki' girl?" Kyo-chan asked and I nod. "I do." I ruffled through my stuff and found a picture of her which I secretly took when she was reading her book under the tree. I handed them the picture and they looked at it.

"Well, at least we know who is the killer with this. If this Yuki girl was the Unknown person, that means she alive. But if she isn't the Unknown person, we know that she is dead and someone just has the same name as her is the killer." Kunikida stated we all agreed.

"Even if she is alive, I don't believe she will kill people!" I yelled and they looked at me surprised. 

"You never know, Yuki-chan... People change..." said Atsu-kun as he patted my shoulder.

"Tch..." Tears started to roll down my cheeks but I quickly wiped away.

"Guess we have to look for this person and bring her back here," said Jun-kun and we nod.

"Let's go." That said we took our things and went to look for Yu-chan.

Please tell me that's not true, Yu-chan. If you're alive, I'm happy, but why are you killing people? Please don't be like that guy...

Time Skip~

Yuki's POV

Me, Chuuya-senpai and Akutagawa-senpai was walking at the park in the evening. To be honest, I have no idea why are we here...

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