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Third Person's POV


Kaori slammed opened the door, only to see Yuki lying on the cold floor, not moving. She was shocked and her knees fell to the ground, and she cried out loud.


As she continued to cry, Dazai and Atsushi soon arrived and were trying to catch their breath.

"A-are we... Too late...?" Atsushi ask the man standing beside him. Dazai just shook his head.

"I don't know..."

Yuki's POV

Ara... That voice... Is it Kaori...? Why is she... Wait... Did I die...?

Yea you did.

W-who are you...

Who am I is not important. What is important is that you are about to be taken to the hospital.


Then I felt myself being lift up by someone. Is it Kaori...? Or maybe some other guy...

"Let's take her to the hospital..."

That sounds like Dazai. Ahh... Am I really going to leave this world...?

Maybe. Maybe not.

What do you mean...

Well, if you're lucky enough, you might survive. But in this condition, I doubt you will be able to make it.

I... Will?

Like I said, if you're lucky enough. You will. Anyway, you should take a rest first. Well, it's like you would wake up but... Just take a nap.


And that mysterious person just disappeared. I wonder who's that.

I felt something warm on hand... It feels like... Chuuya? What is he doing here...

"Idiot... Why did you have to die..."

Geez, sorry Chuuya. It's not like it's my choice that I want to die. But, it does kinda suck to not be able to be in this world anymore...

*sigh* Maybe if I go to sleep, I might meet my parents soon... Ahh... I miss them so much.

I wonder... Did they capture the murderer... I wanted to interrogate with him, but... Guess I can't. I really wonder who this man was...

=Time Skip=

You awake?


Good. Cause right now, the doctors are trying their best to cure you. I think.

What... Why? Aren't I dead already?

Well, you were suppose to be dead, but someone kinda heal you with their abilities.


I think it was the woman who had a big knife around with her and she had short hair. She was with the Agency.

Oh... Her? But I thought her ability was to heal someone who was at the edge of their death? Didn't you say I was already dead?

Yea, I did. *sigh* I don't know okay. Just... There people waiting for you to wake up. So get well soon.

But I don't wanna wake up. I want to see my mom and dad.

Well, you got to wait for that to happen. Just focus on getting well soon.

Okay... But, I have one more question. Who are you exactly? How did you get into my mind? Are you my inner self?

*sigh* I am not important for you to know. Eh, you might figure it out soon enough. How did I get into your mind? It's a secret. And no, I am not your inner self... I wish I was tho.


Anyway, I'll be going now. Make sure to get well soon.

I'll try...

Good. Cause I am coming to get you soon.

Wait... Wha--

She's gone... Again. I wonder who she is... Oh well... I'll just take a nap then.

I wonder when I'll wake up......

Kaori's POV

Gosh... When is she going to wake up...?! It's been one month now and she is still asleep. The doctor said that they will be able to rescue her but there's no information about her yet! Nothing! Gah!

"Kaori-chan... Chill..."

"HOW CAN I BE CHILL?!?! ITS BEEN A MONTH!!!" I snapped my head at the person and noticed that it was Atsushi. Now... He's shaking like a little cat.

"I-i'm sorry... I didn't mean to shout at you... Its just..." I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I started to sob.

"It's fine, Kaori-chan. We all miss her..." He said as he patted my head slowly. I leaned onto his shoulder and cried even more.

Then, the door was slammed open. We all turned our heads and saw Dazai, with his head down.

"Everyone... I have something to tell you..."

He looked back up and stare at me. Why?! My face and eyes are all red and puffy! But, when he saw my face, he had a pain expression written on his face.



Please... Don't let it be true...

"Yuki-chan is..."

No no no... DON'T SAY IT!!!

"No longer here..."


"I'm sorry, Kaori-chan..."





I was screaming my lungs out. How can this happen? She's such an innocent girl... Why did she has to leave me...

Third Person's POV

Of course. Everyone was shocked when Dazai said that. But the person who got hurt by those words the most was... Kaori. Yuki's best friend and sister.

When the other members of the Agency saw her in this state, they went closer to her and try their best to comfort her. But it was no use.

The person that was her best friend and sister. She was...

Minami Yuki

???'s POV

Ahh... I'm finally back in Japan! How long was it? 16 years in America I think? Man... I already miss my friends from there...

Well... Guess I gotta go back home now.

If it's still there though.

𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚 - 𝙗𝙨𝙙 | 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now