A Night at Arata's Place

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Ken's POV

Sigh... It's already getting late and Master is still sound asleep. I don't want to wake her up because she might not been sleeping well lately. I can see those bags under her eyes. But... I don't where is this "Port Mafia" and we need somewhere to stay. Hmm... Maybe that flower shop guy is still there. I could ask him for help... BUT I DON'T TRUST HIM YET!!! My Master just met him like few hours ago... And I doubt Master has enough money to stay in an inn. Sigh... Guess I have no choice...

I gently picked Master up but that made her move in her sleep. Now she was gripping my shirt, not letting go. I smiled at her and began walking towards the bouquet shop.

Time Skip~

Arata's POV

'Sigh... I hope Minami-chan will come by soon...' I sighed as I was getting ready to close the shop.

'Why? So you can ask her out~?' Rin smirked which made me blushed.


'Haha!' I pouted and I locked the door. Time to head back...

'Hey. I think your wish just came true.' I heard Rin said.


'Look to your left.'

I did as I was told and I was surprised and kind of hurt at the same time. I saw Minami-chan coming this way, but she was in the arms of a silver-haired man.

"You must be Arata Eiichi, I presume?" He asked and I shot a glare at him. "Yeah. What do you want?" 

"I'm sorry if I had disturbed you, but can you let my Master stay at your place for the time being? I don't know where is her home." He said which made me confused. "How can you not know where she stays? You're her servant, aren't you?"

'Eiichi, I think he's like me.' I heard Rin said which shocked me.

'You mean he's a demon like you?'

'That's right.'


'What are you going to do, Eiichi?'

"Please let my Master stay over the night. It's just for one night. She doesn't have enough money on her so I beg you to let my Master stay at your place." He bowed at me and I was happy for some reason. "Sure, I'll let you stay. But I need to ask you a question first," I said and he look at me.

'Please don't ask him...'

"Are you a demon?"

'Sigh... I told you not to...' I can sensed that Rin face palmed himself.

"Yes, I am. And I believe you have one as well." He smiled at me and my eyes were wide open. "H-how do you know?" 

"Let's talk about this later. My Master is shivering at the moment. She needs a warm place to stay." I looked at Minami-chan and she was indeed shivering. "Okay. Follow me." Then, I lead them to my home.

Oh my God... This is the first time I have let anyone enter my house, and to be a girl... I'm so nervous right now...! What should I do?!


'S-shut up.'

'Hmph... As you wish...'

Time Skip~ 

We arrived at my home and I lead Minami-chan and her servant to the guest room. He placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. He kissed on her forehead which made me kind of jealous.

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