A Tragic Incident

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Yuki's POV

It's been 9 years since I lived in the Akimura Household. So now, I'm 14 years old while Kaori is 15. We've been together like sisters. It's the first time I ever had one. Everyone treated me nicely especially Kaori and my butler, Shin. He still calls me 'Yuki-sama' even if I told him not to for 9 years. Sigh... Why can't he just listen to me...

It was a normal day. I woke up and do my usual routine. Take a bath, reading books etc. By the way, my room has like 4 enormous bookshelves for me to put my books. Can never get to old of it. 

But the weird thing is, usually a maid or Shin will come and wake me up from my slumber or gave me some morning tea or Kaori trying to wake me up. But... today was different. I looked towards the clock hanging on the wall.

10:00 am

Wow... It's already this late... Why isn't anyone here?

After I changed into my usual attire, I walked around the mansion trying to find someone. But all I saw were furniture. Where the heck is everybody?!

I was hungry. I went to the kitchen only to find apple pie and a letter. Didn't they know I dislike sweet things? Oh well... 

I took the letter and started to read it while eating the pie.

Dear Yu-chan,

Definitely Kaori...

Sorry for not waking you up. Well... there's a problem going on at the company in United States. So we have to leave Japan for I don't know how long. We'll be flying in our privet plane so don't worry about anything. I promise you we'll be back soon. 

The maids and butlers are following us as well for further training, even Shin. So I hope you are able to stay by yourself at the mansion.

There are a few things that we want to tell you though. 1) Please keep the house clean. 2) Don't break anything. 3) Have fun and take care of your health. 4) Make sure to eat something. 5) If you ran out of money, take it from the safe in your room, we already placed enough for you. And last but not least, this is from all of us: Stop reading your book alone in your room and go out and have some fun~

Well, that's mostly it. We hope to see you soon, Yu-chan! Don't think about us! We will always stay by your side! Love you!!

Best regards from all of us~

Sister, Kaori

Like hell I will think about you...


All alone in the mansion...

Finally, some peace and quiet...

I quickly ate finished the pie and ran to my room and lied on my bed. I took out a thick book under the pillow and started reading it as I on the TV.

Few minutes later, there was a news. I looked up from my book and a horrify looked plastered on my face and I let the book slipped out from my and it dropped to the floor but I didn't care about it and just continuing staring at the screen.

Greatest news! A report on a private plane which the Akimuras' were using clashed into the wide ocean. No one was found. No one, nothing! This is---

I quickly turned of the TV not believing what I had just heard. Images flashed through my mind. I quickly shook my head trying not to remember the past. 

But, this cannot be happening! I finally found a home and I'm not going to lose it! After all these years... I... I... 

Tears started to run down my cheeks. I started screaming and crying. Few things started to float in the air as glowing red lights formed around me. When they landed on the ground, they all shattered to pieces. 

I kept on screaming and crying and I started to feel like the house was getting smaller but I didn't care. Then, the mansion was destroyed. 

You could see rubles everywhere. I was still on the ground crying. But I stopped a few seconds later. I looked around me and everything was a mess, even myself. 

I destroyed their home... my home... I can't go back anymore... Even if they are alive, they will still be angry with me. I'd rather die than stay here. Then, an idea popped inside my mind. I made a duplicate of myself and placed it under the rubles. People won't noticed it's me because the duplicate me was literally destroyed. Hands and legs were separated from its body... 

If they do come back alive, they will see that I'm dead and they will continue to live on without me. That's good.

I walked towards the fountain and controlled the water. It formed into a ball and wrapped around my injured body. Few seconds later, my wounds were healed. I found an empty glass water and filled it with the water. I tied it around my waist and I left the ruined mansion. 

I walked ahead of the mansion and headed for the city, I guess, since that's probably where I'll be for awhile... Not turning my back...

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