Yuki's Old Home

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Yuki's POV

"I'm back... Mom, Dad..." I looked at that run down house while smiling to myself.

'M-master... This is...' I ignore him.

The house was now encircled with yellow tape which said 'Caution'. Guess the police took care of it... How long have I not been here? 12 years since the incident? I have never really got the chance to come back home. This is a first...

'Master...?' I ignore Ken again and decide to go in. 

'Master! What do you think you're doing?! You shouldn't go inside!' Ken shouted but I continued ignoring him, like he wasn't in my mind in the first place.

I opened the door which made a 'creak' sound. The whole place was covered with white cloth. I think I shouldn't touch anything... I was now standing in front of the living room door.

Images of that day flashes through my mind as I was about to reach for it. I hesitated but placed my hand on the doorknob.

'Master... I don't think you should--'

'Shut it, Ken. I'll do what I want. Don't tell me what to do.' I snarled at him.

'Y-yes, Master... I'm sorry.'

I slowly opened the door and the images were in my mind again. The room was still the same... Chairs were around everywhere, the flower pot shattered on the mat, the hole that I pierced through with the sword... Everything was the same... It's just that, Mom and Dad weren't here. They were probably taken to the hospital or police to do some investigation.

I walked closer to where Mom and Dad had laid dead the other day and squatted down. I placed the flowers that I bought earlier and clasp my hands together and prayed.

"It's been awhile, Mom, Dad. I'm sorry I haven't visited you guys. I didn't have time to see you. I hope you'll understand. I've been doing quite well... The Port Mafia has been taking good care of me and I even made some friends. But these few days I've been acting cold towards them... I avoided them and ignore them. I just want sometime to be alone and think. I promised that I'll get revenge for guys... I definitely will. Just trust me.

"Both of you loved these flowers, right? Every time on my birthday, you will buy this flower for me. It means sweetness and kindness towards others and yourself. I guess you really want to give them to me, huh? You want me to be sweet and kind... But right now, I'm not the girl you expect me to be. I am now a girl who shows no emotions to others and being cold to them. I'm sorry... But I can never be the cheerful girl anymore.

"Guess I should get going... The Port Mafia must be worried sick about me... Funny, huh? I'm sorry I couldn't make a funeral for you but I was only 5 years old. You will understand, right? But don't worry. I promised that I'll come by from time to time. So please... Wait for me okay?"

I said finished my prayers and stood up, brushing the dust away. I bowed and left the living room.

'Master... Are you okay?'

'Yea... I'm fine...'

'May I know what happened?'

'Sure, but I'll tell you later. I have something to do.' I replied and went upstairs.

'As you wish, Master.'

I am now standing in front of my parents room. I opened the door and it was still the same. I went towards one of the doors which has the shape of an angle engraved on it. I tried opening it but couldn't. Sigh... I should have known...

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