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Yuki's POV

Ugh... Why does my head hurts so much... I woke up and with a groan and I saw that I was in an unfamiliar room. Oh yeah... I slept over at Arata's place...

I slowly got out of bed but nearly stumbled. 

"Ugh..." I was clutching my head. It hurts... Guess I should head down... I slowly walked down to the living room and saw Arata sitting on the couch while drinking a cup of coffee.

"Ah! Minami-chan! Good morning!" He greeted me with a smile. "Good morning..." I said as I sat next to him. There was another cup of coffee next to his and I presume its mine. I took the cup and took a sip.

"Are you okay? You looked so pale..." He said, sounding worried. I finished drinking the coffee and placed the cup on the table. 

"I'm fine... Thanks for the coffee and letting me stay here... I should probably get going now..." I stood up and bowed to him.

"Eh? But--" Before he could say anything, I have teleport myself to somewhere.

Where am I...? I thought to myself as I looked around.

'Master, are you alright?' I heard a voice in my head which nearly made me jumped. Oh yeah... I forgot I copied Arata's ability and I appear to have a demon servant.

'I'm alright...' I told him as I started to walk around. Where am I?

'Are you sure, Master?' I can sensed that Ken is worried about me. I just nodded my head. I arrived in a some what familiar place.

"I guess this is Port Mafia...?" I muttered. My vision started to get blurry but I didn't care and went inside. As I was walking around the corridor, someone tackled me into a hug and the two of us ended up lying on the ground.

"Yuki-chan~! Where have you been? We were all worried sick!" It was... Akane? I slowly stood up but I nearly fell until I felt someone grabbed (?) my waist, preventing me from falling.

"C-chuuya...?" I slowly turned my head. Chuuya looked like he was angry at me.

"Damn right you are. Where have you been?" He said sternly.

"W-wait..." I pulled away from him and made myself stand still. "A-ability: S-shadow Beneath..." I said as dark blue light surround the three of us and Ken appeared with a worried look on his face whereas Akane and Chuuya had a surprised expression.


"K-ken... Catch me..." I said and fell onto him and he quickly caught me. Slowly, I fall into darkness. All I could here was Ken shouting at me.

3rd Person's POV

Yuki was now lying on her bed with a wet cloth on her forehead and a thermometer in her mouth. Ken, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Kouyou, Mori and Elise were inside her room as well. Akane on the other hand went to find a doctor.

"Her temperature is high..." said Mori as he pulled out the thermometer.

"How high is it?" Akutagawa asked, worried. Everyone was. Who wouldn't be?

"40.5 degree celsius." He said which cause the others to have their eyes wide open.

"That high?" Ken said and Mori just nodded, putting the thermometer away.

"I hope Yu-nee will be alright soon..." said Elise as she stood next to the bed. The others nodded in agreement.

Akane's POV

I was running along the streets, trying to find a doctor. When I turned a corner, I accidentally bumped into someone. He had bandages wrapped around his arms... Wait, bandages? Isn't he the guy Chuuya-kun was talking about? Dazai, was it?

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