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Yuki's POV

Urgh.... What happen...? I slowly open my eyes and saw that I was in an unfamiliar room. I quickly sat up and I winced in pain.


"Yuki-chan... You're finally awake..." I looked towards the sound of voice and saw Akutagawa-senpai standing there. He had a worried expression on his face. Was he that worried about me?

"How are you feeling?"

"...Bad." I replied bluntly.

"Sigh... Why did you do that in the first place?" He sighed and shook his head. I didn't reply him and there was silence between the two of us. Then, I decided to speak up which was unlikely for me to do.

"How long was I out?"

Akutagawa's POV

When I heard what she said, I was slightly surprised. Usually she wouldn't started a conversation by herself. We were the one who has to. I looked at her and she was waiting for me to give her an answer.

"About 2 days." I said and she was shocked to hear my statement. She nodded her head. I'm guessing she understands?

When I was about to ask her what happened back then, the door slammed opened and it revealed Chuuya.

"Yuki! Thank god you're awake!" He exclaimed.


"Do you know how worried I was?! Why did you go for the kill when I haven't even give you the signal?! Why did you have so much--" Before Chuuya could say finish his sentence, I interrupted him.

"Stop asking so many questions at one go, Chuuya." 


Yuki-chan just shook her head, meaning that it's okay. Sigh...

Chuuya's POV

Why am I so worried about her?! Is it because she got hurt? Is it because she is part of Port Mafia? Aahh!!! What am I doing with my life?!


Surprised, both Akutagawa and me looked towards Yuki.

"What did you say...?" Akutagawa said with his eyes wide.

"I-i'm sorry... I didn't know you guys were worried about me... I'm sorry... It's my fault... If only I hadn't done it... I'm sorry..." She started to sob. Our eyes were wide open at her reaction.

Eh? The emotionless girl we know was crying right in front of us. Maybe she does have feelings after all.

I walked up to her and hugged her. I don't care if my cheeks are slightly pink, as long as she calms down, it's fine by me.

"Shh... It's not your fault... Stop saying sorry... You did nothing wrong..." I said trying to calm her down. But instead, she started to cry more and I could feel my shirt is starting to get wet by her tears. I didn't mind though.

"Chuuya's right, Yuki-chan. Sure we are worried. That's because we cared about you. That's why... please stop crying okay?" said Akutagawa as he kept on patting Yuki's head.

Yuki's POV

This is the first time I have ever showed my feelings to anyone. After I calmed down, I let go of Chuuya-senpai's and wiped away my tears.

"Feeling better?" said the two of them and I nodded my head.

"Mind telling us what relationship you have with that guy two days ago?" When Chuuya-senpai mentioned that man, I had a horrify look on my face. But, I guess I should tell them about my past. I can't just keep it to myself right? Guess I'll have to speak a lot now...

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