It's you...!

530 13 7

Kaori's POV

I can't believed Yu-chan go kidnapped...! I'm going to freaking kill this guy if he or she hurts her! I quickly teleport everyone in the agency (excluding the prez cuz he's away for a business trip) to somewhere near Yu-chan. For some reasons, I can sense where Yu-chan is.

We appear to be in some kind of an abandoned building... Yu-chan must be in there!! I ran forward, ignoring the shouts of my name from behind. As I kept on running, I sense multiple people coming towards me. I stopped at my tracks and about 10 men in suits appeared right in front of me.

"Grr.... Let me through you bastards!!!" I shouted as I pulled out my guns and shot bullets at them. I thought I shot them but they all dodged the bullets perfectly.


"You won't get pass us, Kaori-sama." One of the man said as he dashed towards me.

Huh...? Did he just... call me Kaori-sama...?

Before I could even react, the man was right in front of me, about to slash his sword at me. But luckily, the others were here fast enough and Kunikida made a shield using his ability. The man jumped back and stood next to the other guys who had their swords ready.

"Thanks Kunikida..."

"No problem. Thank god we made it." He said.

"Tch! Guys! Don't let any of them pass through here!" The leader said and all the men dashed towards our direction.

"Dazai! Atsushi! You guys go on ahead with Kaori! We'll keep them busy!" Kunikida shouted as he pulled out his gun and started shooting at them.

"Kaori-chan! Let's go!" Atsushi said. I looked at Kunikida and the others. I didn't want to leave them alone but I had no choice. I have to go and save Yu-chan. I gritted my teeth and held Dazai's and Atsushi's hand, and we teleport to somewhere else.

We were now inside a dark room. 

"Where are we...?" Atsushi whispered as he held close to Dazai.

"I'm not sure either, Atsushi-kun... But it smells suspicious here..." He said.

I looked around and took a few steps. I then step on something wet and squishy. Ew... What on earth did I step on...? Then, I found a switch and switch it on. And the scene in front of me was shocking. Atsushi was as terrified as me while Dazai was calm. But I can tell that it was shocking to him too. 

What was in front of us were a bunch of corpses. Some were dangling around the ceiling and some were lying on the ground... But not all of the parts were together... They were all separate from its body.

"Ah~ Kaori-chan~ I miss you so much~" My eyes went wide. I know this voice. No... It can't be him... He's suppose to be in prison...!

"Why don't you turn around and let me see your beautiful face, sweety?" 

While sweating, I slowly turned around and my eyes went even wider and my mouth was wide open too. No way... I saw him smiling at me. But it was a fake one. He never smiles like that.

"W-what... Why are you here...? I thought you're suppose to be in prison...?!?!" I shouted at that man as I pulled out my gun and pointed it right at him.

"Aw... Don't you miss your father, Kaori-chan?" He gave me a grin. I gritted my teeth as I can feel the air surround me.

"Father...?" I heard Atsushi said behind me. I could tell that Dazai was giving a death glare at that man. And I don't care at all. I just want to know why he is here!

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