Nothing to Do

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3rd Person's POV

The Armed Detective and Port Mafia were having a staring contest. No one move until there were the sound of thunders. They all looked up at the sky and it was about to rain. They looked back at each other, still not doing anything until Yuki spoke.

"Sigh... I'm going. See you guys back at the Port Mafia," she said to Chuuya and Akutagawa who was confused.

"What do you mean, Yuki?" asked Chuuya. 

"Like I said. I'm leaving. Thanks for the ability again, Kaori. It's good to know that you are alive too." That said and she teleport to the Port Mafia.

"Since when can she do that?" Akutagawa murmured, looking surprised.

"More importantly! She left us!" Chuuya exclaimed, clearly angry. "Look, since Yuki left, we are going to! Don't make us see you again, Dazai." He said as he pointed to Dazai, with an angry look.

"Aww~ Don't worry, Chuuya-kun~ Cause one day we will have her in our hands." said Dazai as he smirked.

"Tch! Let's go." Then, Chuuya and Akutagawa left, leaving the Armed Detective behind.

Kaori's POV

"I guess we should head back too?" Atsu-kun suggested and we all nodded our head in agreement.

When we arrived at the agency, the Prez was there waiting for us. His arms were crossed and he seemed to be in a deep thought.

"It seems you have all met this Unknown person," he said and we nodded. "Care to tell me about it?" He asked and we all began to tell him about Yu-chan.

I still can't believe she's alive. And to think she has an ability too. How can I not know about this? We've been together for like forever! And I didn't know about it!! Arghh!! Okay okay... Calm down, Kaori. But the one thing I'm most curious about is, why did she join the Port Mafia and kill people? 

I hate it. I will bring Yu-chan back and let her join the Armed Detective Agency. I'm not having my innocent looking sister be a killer.

Yuki's POV

Sigh... I'm finally back at the Port Mafia. Thank god I didn't have to fight. It takes too much of my energy to do so. But I feel kind of bad leaving the two senpais back there. Guess I'll apologize to them later.

However... I can't believe Kaori is actually alive... Well, now that I know Kaori has the ability to teleport, I guess it all made sense. Before the plane crash, she teleport the others along with her to a save place. Yea... That's what happened.

As I was along the corridor, I spotted Mori-san. He noticed me and ran towards my direction. "Yuki-chan~!!" He tackled me and we both fell to the ground. Sigh... Why is my boss such a child...

"Hello. Please get off me, Mori-san." I said with a bored expression.

"Sorry~" He got off me and I brushed off the dust. "So, where's Chuuya-kun and Akutagawa-kun?" He said, smiling again.

"Oh. I kind of left them behind..." I whispered but he still heard me. "You left them?"

"Yea. I teleport myself back here..." I said and he was surprised. "Since when can you do that?"

"Copied someone's ability." I answered and he nodded his head. "Well, guess I got to get going. See you later, Yuki-chan~" With that, he left me there and I continued walking to my room.

I jumped on the bed and took out a book that I was reading. I began to read it while listening to some music.

Time Skip~

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