Back from the US

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Kaori's POV

I'm finally back to Japan! It's been for like 6 months since I left Yu-chan. I wonder how she's been doing lately. Did she went out of the mansion? I hope she did.

When my mom, servants and I arrived at our mansion, we were shock to see what was right in front of our eyes.


"What the..."

"What happened here?"

"Was there an earthquake?"

Everyone started murmuring. What exactly DID happen? Wait... What about-

"Where's Yuki-sama?!" Shin exclaimed as he broke my thought. All of us just remembered and started to look for Yu-chan.

"I found her!" A servant shouted. We all heard and went to the direction of the sound.

But... it's been 6 months. How can she still be here...?

We arrived in front of a few rubbles and there we saw.

A corpse...

"No..." Shin said.

Some of us started to have tears formed in our eyes. But Shin and I were crying the most.



The two of us kept on screaming and crying.

Why... why does it has to be her...? Why must she die...?

As I kept on screaming and crying, slashes of wind started to cut the trees and grass. I'm suppose to control my special ability but I can't. How am I suppose to keep it under control when this happen... I need someone to stop it.

Touka's POV (A/N Kaori's Mom if you don't remember)

Kao-chan's special ability started to slash the trees and grass. We need someone to stop it. If this continues, someone might get hurt. But who can stop her?

Shin's POV (A/N Yuki's personal butler)

Kaori-sama is using her special ability... What should we do? We need to stop it soon. If we don't, someone will really get hurt. But who can do it?

???'s POV (A/N You know who)

Sigh... Where can I find a place to commit suicide?

As I was walking in the forest, trying to find a place to do my usual stuff, I felt something cut through my skin. I touched my cheek and it started bleeding.

What the...

I looked to my right and saw a few people surrounding a girl who has blonde hair. Is that the source of the cut?

I decide to went closer to the scene. A lady, who seemed to be the girl's mother noticed me.

"Can you help her?" She asked.

"Is she an ability user?" I asked and she seemed shock to hear what I said.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Well, miss. First of all, only an ability user can do such thing. Second, I am an ability user myself." I smiled at the lady.

"Really?! Can you stopped my daughter?" She said, holding both of my hands, begging.

"Sure! In one condition." I stated and she tilted her head.

"Commit a double suicide with me!" I exclaimed.

"NO! Just help my daughter!" She shouted.

"Fine..." I said, clearly sad to hear her statement.

I went closer to the girl and she backed away.

"Don't come closer! I might hurt you!" She exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'm here to help you. I am able to nullify your ability."

Her eyes widen at my statement. "Really...?" I nodded my head.

I walked closer to her and touched her shoulder.

"No longer human." Blue formed around the two of us and her ability stopped.

Kaori's POV

My ability stopped! Yay! 

"Thanks for helping me, Mister!" I exclaimed.

"Sure. No problem little girl." He said as he patted my head.

"Thank you for helping my daughter. May I know who are you?" My mom asked the man. Yea... I wonder who is he.

"Dazai. Dazai Osamu. I'm just someone who passed by and wanted to commit suicide~" He smiled.

 I'm just someone who passed by and wanted to commit suicide~" He smiled

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He wants to commit suicide?!

"O-ok...? I'm Akimura Touka and this is my daughter, Kaori." said my mom.

"Nice to meet you, Dazai-san!" I exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you too, Kaori-chan. But may I know what happened here?" Dazai-san asked and all of our eyes darken.

Dazai's POV

Did I say something wrong? Everyone eyes darken. What happened here?



Sorry for not publishing the chapters! Exams are coming up and I have been studying. Sorry. But I'm having a one week holiday so I'll probable write more chapters but I'll still be studying.

Anyway, thanks for voting guys~ I'm glad that someone voted on my story. It really means a lot to me. And thanks for reading my story. I'm not good at writing stories so it's really great that someone reads it. 

Thanks for everything guys! Hope you enjoy the next chapters~ 


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