New Weapon, New Home

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Chuuya's POV

"Now, let's get on with business." Boss said.

We sat properly at our seat, waiting for the Boss to continue his talk.

"Elise-chan, can you bring that 'thing' to me?" Boss turned to Elise. What thing is he talking about?

"Ok!" Elise exclaimed and went to grab the thing.

"So, Yuki-chan, you are officially a Port Mafia member. What do you think?" Boss asked as he smiled at Minami.

She kept quiet for awhile but talk soon. "It's great." 

"Sigh... You don't talk much do you?" He said and Minami just stared at the Boss. He shook his head, not believing her.

"Chuuya-kun, I have a task for you." He said as he turned to me.


"Please train Yuki-chan as well as teach her to speak more." Boss said.


Yuki's POV

Chuuya-senpai is going to train me? And he is going to teach me to speak more? Not going to happen. I'm not going to speak much unless I have to.

Chuuya-senpai looked as he had seen a ghost. He was startled by the request Mori-san said.


"You heard me, starting from today, you are her partner and you are going to train her." said Mori-san as I saw Elise brought the thing.

"Here it is!" She said and gave it to Mori-san.

"Ah, thank you Elise-chan." He said.

He took it from Elise and looked for sometime. Then, he passed it to me.

"For you." He said.

I titled my head in confusion as I slowly received the thing. I stared at it for awhile, thinking what it is.

"Go on. Open it." He smiled, again. Chuuya-senpai looked at the thing too, confused.

I opened it and was surprised. My eyes were wide open as it is the first time I've ever since such a beautiful thing. It was a black sword.

 It was a black sword

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So beautiful... It's edge was sharp too. I bet it can cut through anything.

I turned back to Mori-san with my glittering eyes. Hope he understands that I'm saying 'thank you'.

Mori's POV

She looked at me with glittering eyes. Probably saying 'thank you'. It's the first time I saw her this happy. Not really that happy, it's just that I can tell from her eyes. Maybe she likes sword...? It could be true.

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