Chapter 11

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Most of this night was a blur,the time passed in my fours easy steps.Dance,eat,drink and repeat!

"Dance,drink,eat and repeat."I mumbled to myself as I was deep in thought.

I haven't seen Evan the entire night,what if he's up to something?

Just as I went back to reality I found myself in Alec's arms.It felt nice.

A slow dance?Do they really have to torture me?

"You seem nervous,"he whispered.

"Stop acting brave yourself,I can feel your hands shaking."I giggeled.

He sighed as we danced to the song,all of a sudden I was pulled out of Alec's embrace.Instead of red eyes I was looking into deep blue eyes.

"Evan."I muttered.

"Do you want to dance?I can see that Alec is really tired,"he whispered into my ear.

"I am not tired,"Alec's voice protested.

I will die in a dress,can this night get worse?

"Well,look at that!They're going to announce the King and Queen soon!"I yelled like a little kid when it wants a toy they saw in the mall.

Evan smiled as he grabbed my hand,it felt like he was holding it for dear life.Which I assume he is,because I'm slowly meeting death.

"Hey,I was doing just fine before I met you."

"I too much and that's an issue,but I'm okay."

"Hey,you tell your friends it was nice to meet them,but I hope I never see them again."

The lyrics echoed through my mind as Evan and Alec were quietly bickering.

I stood between them and pushed them away from each other,"Guys let's not spill blood tonight,"

They glanced at each other and then at me,then they agreed to not spill blood,because if anyone is going to spill blodd that is going to be me or the crazy author of this story!

"Let's go and dance!"I yelled as I took Alec's hand and lead him to the huge group of stupid teenagers that follow their hormones.

"But Funneh,you can dance with Evan if you want."he said as a new song was about to start.

"Shh,I came here with you."I said as I pulled him in a tight hug.

I came here with you and I'm staying with you.Just look into my eyes and dance with me,don't care about anything else.At least for tonight.


"I am so tired--"I said as my yawning ate the rest of my words.

"We're almost there."Alec reassured me as we walked down the street.

I could barely walk or see,so I was hugging Alec's arm for support.

"I had fun tonight."I said in a low tone.

I could feel him smile down at me,but I didn't look.I just felt it,and if I saw that my expectation wasn't real,then I would have jumped under a car.

After a few nice quiet minutes we were standing in front of my dorm.I was sad to see him go.

"See you tomorrow?"he asked as I was unlocking the door.

Should we?What if we run into Evan?Oh what the hell!This is my life,he isn't the boss of it.

I nodded because I felt a yawn coming.And right at that moment,a yawn escaped my closed lips.

"Goodnight Alec,"I mumbled as I pulled him in a quick hug.I felt my cheeks turn red but it was night so hopefully he could not see.


Stupid street lights.

"Goodnight Funneh."he replied as I walked into my dorm,glancing at his back one more time.

I turned the lights on and stretched my body,prom was crazy.I mean,those kids know how to party,it would've been better if the pricipal wasn't there but...

"He was watching over us."I quote.

Yeah right,I saw him flirting with my chemistry teacher.

I walked up to my room,threw my dress on the floor and got into my batman pyjamas.I hugged my bed in the process of drifting off to sleep.

"Funneh,I'm home!"Gold yelled as I heard her heels clicking on the stairs.

I groaned in response as she just laughed it off and went into her room.

"Gold?"I yelled as she turned her lights off.

What?I'm Batman,I heard her turn them off.

"Yeah?"she yelled back.

"How do you know when you like someone?!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"You just do!"she yelled back and then mumbled something.

I have to do it.

No,you don't.



"I'M BATMAN!"I yelled as I opened my window and yelled again,"I'M BATMAN!"

[End Of Chapter 11]

im batman.

you're batman.

we're all batman.




I can't be serious after that.Oh well if you don't like me and my weirdness it's your fault my book is placed nicely in your library.

Hope you enjoyed!

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