Chapter 24

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I am writing this at 3:17am for you,hope you like it!


[4 months later]

I leaned on the frame of my window,waiting to fall any second.Waiting to end my misery and everyone's suffering which I brought to the doorstep.I enjoyed the cold breeze as it went through my dark hair,making it move all around the place.I sighed as my gaze fell down,people passing with their families as couples were walking hand in hand.They all looked happy and excited for the new day that will rise,but looks can be very deceiving.A smile can hide so much.But I chose to hide my pain differently,through drinking and getting used.Yes,it started helping but it became more of a routine as time passed.

I made out with countless guys,men,boys-whatever you want to call them.I made out with them,but never went too far,mostly because I was being stopped.Usually by Prince,I know-shocker.Prince used to tell me that my first night one stand should be with someone special,but did I care about that?I clearly did not.And he didn't either,he probably did half of the women his age.

"It's so beautiful."I mumbled as I leaned outside even more,more than half of my body hanging.I placed my hands on the wall of the building to hold myself,for one last glance.

The city lights reflected in my eyes as a saddening smile crept onto my lips,slowly relaxing my body and saying my goodbyes to everyone.It was time to ease everyone's hearts,it was time for them to relax.

"Funneh,don't you dare die on me!"a high pitch voice yelled as I got pulled back by strong arms,ending on the hard floor.

"How can you do that?"Gold yelled as my eyes turned watery,making it hard to see around me,"Funneh,you can't die on me.You can't,I won't let you."

I cried as I started to sob loudly,"I deserve to die,then Kyran and you could finally be happy."

She cried as I was in her embrace,crying my soul out.We stayed quiet as the lights in my room were on,the light engulfed us.


I made Gold go back to sleep as I stayed awake,doing nothing but staring at the ceiling.Wishing to understand what happened an hour ago,but my mind failed me.

I walked out my room and found Evan sleeping on our couch,the moonlight highlighted his face like it was a fan of it.His hair-which was on his forehead-casted a small shade on his lips.He moved in his sleep,probably having a bad dream.

Calm your shipping nerves,I'll explain this in a few words.Evan happened to be passing by and he decided to come and say hi.

Fine,that's a lie.

Evan brought me home after he found me unconscious at the park.Shorter words--I was drunk and fell asleep on a bench.I drank more than I usually drink.It was really late so Kyran made him sleep at our place.

Could you calm down now?Nothing happened between us.Or me and Alec.

I leaned on my door frame and looked out a window,imagining the scenario that could have occurred if my face met the hard cold concrete.

"Funneh."Even called out as he stood in front of me,sadness taking over his face expression and his comforting gaze.

"I--Evan..."I cried as he pulled me in a hug.I needed comfort right now,I needed someone to understand me,and just listen.

"I'm here Funneh,I'm here to listen to you."he whispered as his chin rested on my head,he was slowly rubbing my back.

"Just don't,don't you dare try to do anything like that.Ever again."he whispered as his voice started to shake,"Because I know that I would have jumped after you."

I stained his shirt with my tears as he kept whispering into my ear.

"And trust me when I say,Alec would have too."

[End of Chapter 24]

Well,well,well...I almost killed her.

-love ya

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