Chapter 30

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As I kept making scars I felt guilt rise above me as rain drops harshly started to hit the small window on the wall beside me.I moved the razor away and stared at my self-injured arm, sobbing quietly.

"I'm so stupid, this won't help me,"I mumbled as I hid my face behind my curtain of hair," I don't know what to do anymore, I simply don't."

I dropped to the floor and hugged my knees, my blue jeans absorbing the fresh blood coming from my left arm.I felt the walls move closer to me as my sobbing kept going on.I didn't have the courage to end my life and yet...I didn't have the strength to keep on living.I need him here with me, he never leaves my mind, no matter how hard I try.I want to be close to him, wake up every morning with knowing that we will see each other...I need him.Yet I don't deserve him or his love, I would just burden him with dreadful thoughts every day.


"Funneh!"Prince and Luce hug-attacked me as I was walking over to them, a shaking smile on my lips.

I hugged them back as I grabbed my long sleeves with my fingers, afraid they might reveal the scars I made.My face was still red and stained from the tears but I only had these two now, everyone else is scattered somewhere, and I have no knowledge of where.

The guys pulled away as their strong gaze burned my soul to the core.

"You cried,"Prince spoke after pulling away.

"For hours, alone."Luce finished as I dropped my gaze to the dark concrete I stood on.

"Pull your sleeve's up, now."Prince demanded as I sighed, pulling them up...revealing the scars."Oh, Funneh."

I cried as Prince wrapped his arms around me, slowly stroking my hair.

"I couldn't anymore Prince, so much has happened and I just h-had to."I sobbed into his black shirt, he held me tighter."To top it off I had a fight with Gold, and it hurt to hear the words she said."

"Shh, calm down.Just breathe," he whispered as I glanced at Luce who was buying us some ice cream, I smiled at the memories with my friends which involved the delicious treat but then...Gold works at an ice cream place.

"What happened with Gold?"Prince asked, never pulling away.

"She tried to help me, but when I tried to butt in and say my opinion she just...turned cold and ignored my voice, no matter what I said.I couldn't recognize her Prince,"I said under a desperate whisper.

"Funneh, you have us two.Alright?"Prince said with the happiest grin ever seen.

I nodded as we pulled away,"Thank you, now let us eat ice cream!"

The two laughed as I happily took my cone away from Luce.This is what made me happy, and I almost lost it again.Pulling my sleeves down Luce opened his mouth to speak, but then went to think for a while.

"No beer today, what happened to you, Prince?"I smirked.

He rolled his eyes with no reply given to me in the shape of words, which was good.Silence is good at times, and this is one of those times.


"Why don't you move in with us?"Luce asked as Prince slowly nodded.

"But I live with Gold and Kyran, I can't--"Luce managed to quickly cut me off.

"You're on bad terms with Gold, let her cool off and move in with us."

I nodded," Well when you put it like that..."

[End of Chapter 30]

30 chapters...oh my dear llamas how is that possible?

-love ya

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