Chapter 27

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I'll save you the sappy pain from yesterday,I didn't jump into the fountain because I'm not an idiot.Or at least I'm not on Prince's level,I'm better at the game of idiocy than him.I stood up and took myself on a short walk through the loud city,honestly it looks nicer at nights.The streetlights illuminating with the dark surrounding in the humble neighborhood.Well,that would be completely true if there were no murders,but then's 2017.Back to my fantasy world!Faded music lifting the atmosphere as you're walking down a dimly lighted street,enjoying the silence as you're walking pass strangers...or if you're paranoid like me,you're running because someone could be a serial killer.Or a killer clown,forget I said that,let me throw it back into 2016.

But doesn't anyone find it weird?People in 1980 said,"There will be flying cars in the future!"Yeah right.Half of 2017 passed by and all we did was spin fidgets and droll over celebrity drama.If we had to build a flying car it would probably only be able to dab,spin a fidget,pray that a killer clown doesn't kill it,dream about Zayn Malik and Harry Styles.So everyone,can we leave the flying cars,exploring other planets for another generation?For an actual smart generation.Flying cars ideas,stay in 1980.Fidgets and all of this crap should just start burning in hell because 2017 has a long way to go,so I can't say,"Leave it in 2017!"Yet.I can't say it yet,but I will the moment I finish counting down for January 1st to come to my doormat.

If I decide to live till the end of this year,it's a 60/40 situation.60 in a negative way,and 40 in a positive way.I guess.


I tried to end my own life three weeks ago,and I was stopped by my best friend.I thought that was it,she saved me and we all move on.Yet,that wasn't it.It was the opposite of what had to happen.

I stood in front a dark covered in skin door,waiting to see a well-known therapist.Mrs.Smith.I didn't want to come because I don't need a therapist,but my words didn't matter for this situation.Or in any situation for that matter.

"Ah,Funneh.Nice to see you,"she smiled softly.

Here we go.Time to speak the truth to someone unknown to me.

[End of Chapter 27]

Hi everyone!Sorry for the super late update!I just didn't feel good lately,so yeah.I'm really sorry.

-love ya

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