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Alright, I've been tagged by a fabulous person called Wuffy_Docter_839 now I will do this the same way as last time.I like to do things very differently, I have no reason or excuse for it.So, here we go!


Avianna is very hidden and deep, she's that kind of person.But if you ask the right questions, and if she trusts you, you will get an honest answer or an opinion, even if they might sound rude at times.She can't help it, her mind is off track most of the time.Eh, nothing new to the people she knows, just the same old Avianna with a mystery passing her thoughts about everything. 

"Avi, what's the last song you listened to?"Little Ash asked bluntly, making me take off my headphones.

"Uhm...Cypher 4 by BTS from their album WINGS."I mumbled quietly, hoping he didn't hear me or understand for that matter.

His eyes lit up as he ran around my room, ready to chant."BTS!BTS!"

As I shushed him so no one would hear him--the one, the only handsome and amazing, awesome king of FNAF walked in, also known as Markiplier.And one of the few people I have respect for in this world, just being honest here people.

"Alright Ash, time to go Avianna has work to do." he said, picking up the little cute boy in his arms, his dull eyes staring deeply at Mark's, speaking a silent story.

"I wanna stay!" he whined as Mark looked at me with begging eyes.

I took Ash out of his hands and I smiled happily at him, "You can stay, but Mark over here needs to leave, is that okay?"

Ash nodded happily, "Yes!"

Mark let out a quiet chuckle as he left my house with no more words being said, as I put Ash down he held my hand.

"Can we play a game?" he asked, his broken dark eyes staring into mine, a slight frown made itself a home on my lips as I knew he couldn't see anything but darkness.And even in that darkness, which had no escape or exit, he found a spark, a light to make him happy.

"Alright, what kind of game?"

He made a thinking face before turning his head back to me, slightly tilting it."Can we play a game my boring sister made up?"

As I smiled I put him on the sofa next to us and I placed my laptop on the small short table across us.


"So, Miss Avianna Julia L'Khal, we know you're obsessed with reading so please tell us, what is the last book you read?Wattpad book and in real life,"Ash spoke, putting a fake microphone to his lips to speak.

Putting my fake microphone close to my face I replied honestly, "Uhm..Wattpad book, I think it was The Science Behind Boys, and in real life...uhm I think it was The Blade Itself: The First Law-Book One.I maybe read it two times already,"

Ash nodded quickly, "What do your friends think of you?"

My eyes widen slightly as I hugged the first pillow I saw, "Uhm...I don't know, I'm usually the girl that just runs away from all human contact and communication.But my three real friends, who I trust a lot, think I'm cool at times, but they mostly call me weird because I am known for obsessing over certain things.But in the end, they say that I'm actually trustworthy, rude at times, and overall crazy and nice.And...maybe a shy quiet savage,"

Ash laughed hysterically at my answer as I just groaned into the pillow, "Next question!" he chirped, "What are your five OTP ships?"

I smirked as excitement took over me, "Well number one will have to be Zane and Nana (Aphmau), number two will be Robin and Ted (How I Met Your Mother), number three Funneh and Evan?Alec?I don't know anymore!Number four...uhh Garroth and Kim(Aphmau) and finally number five, Aphmau and Aaron!"

Ash nodded as he put the microphone near his lips once more, "And your four favorite apps?"

"Wattpad is definitely number one, and then it goes YouTube, Autodesk: Sketchbook and Pinterest!"I replied, taking a deep breath.

Simple questions are so hard at times.



And just to end this even more differently I will give you three facts about me you did/didn't know :

1.I'm scared to tell you guys who I really am behind the screen because I think you won't like me.I do show some parts of who I really am, but not a lot.But still, you can trust me, I'm not lying to you I'm just insecure

2.I never had a crush on anyone, unless they are fictional!

3.I really want to have a real sword and bow, that actually work like they're supposed to, I want armor and a cloak.I know, I'm weird.

sorry for grammar mistakes.

love you.

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